


美式发音: [smɑrts] 英式发音: [smɑː(r)ts]







She made it to the top on her smarts.她靠自己的聪明才智获得成功。



v.1.The third person singular present tense of smart

1.聪明 抱负( ambition) 聪明smarts) 尊重雇员( respect for employees) ...

2.智力 Attributes 属性 smarts 智慧 power 力量 ...


5.智能 Quick settings on a reminder 快速设置备忘事件 Smarts 智能 Sync 同步 ...

6.机智 ... b. Luck 幸运。 c. Smarts 机智。 d. Destiny 命中注定。 ...

7.敏捷 CTRL 步行 SMARTS 敏捷【估计和上弹速度有关】 SPEED 速度 【这个不用解释了吧】 ...


1.Even if things take a nastier turn and she's downright argumentative, she may just be trying to show off her smarts or get under your skin.即使事情变得更糟糕,她跟你争辩得不休,她也可能只是想显示自己的聪明,或让你不安。

2.And anyone smart enough to understand IQ tests will tell you they do not give a full measure of any individual's smarts or range of talents.任何一个能看懂智商测试的人都能分辨出,他们并没有给出任何个人聪明程度的全部指标或能力范围。

3.His success was the result of his unusual combination of technical smarts, strategic vision, flair for design and sheer force of character.他的成就源于他在技术才能、战略远见、设计天赋以及纯粹的性格力量方面的非凡结合。

4.Of course, no individual is actually a type: People with any one of the kind of smarts that we've described also have some of the others.当然,没有一人实际上是个定型:具有其中任何一种我们所描述过的聪明的人也会有其它方面的聪明。

5.Increasing business-smarts in IT has been a top priority for every self-respecting CIO on the planet for the last 10 to 15 years.在未来的10到15年内,对于全球每一位有远见的CIO来说,增加IT行业中的商务通数量是他们的首要职责。

6.He also mentions "street smarts" , by which he means reading situations and people, often unconsciously, and developing human relationships.此外,他还提及了所谓的“街头智慧(streetsmarts)”,即下意识的审势度人,建立人际关系。

7.Researchers have long bepeved that exercise boosts smarts but there was not any hard scientific evidence until a few years ago.研究人员长期以来就相信锻炼会提高人的灵敏性,但直到几年前都没能得到过硬的科学证据来证明这一论点。

8.Further, it has been suggested, we may be undergoing the next great leap in smarts right now.更深一步暗示,我们现在可能就已经在下一个伟大转变的痛苦中。

9.If you've got ambition and smarts, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, regardless of where you started out.只要你拥有雄心和智慧,无论你从哪里开始起步,都最终能达到自己的职业颠峰。

10.No team has ralped around the loss of a great player (Yao Ming) and built an amazing run on emotion, anger and smarts .没有一支球队可以在失去姚明这样伟大的球员之后可以持续不败并且将情绪,愤怒和灵巧奇迹般的融合起来。