


美式发音: ['praɪməs] 英式发音: ['praɪməs]







1.普赖默斯便携式燃油炉a small cooker/stove that you can move around that burns oil. It is used especially by people who are camping.



n.1.the highest ranking bishop in the Scottish Episcopal Church

un.1.a small piece of equipment that produces a flame for cooking by burning oil, and that can be used outside

1.元始天尊is)PACSAFE十点半(Ten Thirty)普里默斯Primus)EX2(伊海诗)泊途(BOTOO)哈尔斯(HAEIRS)MG-V 美格明 …

4.煤油炉 Portishead Pretenders,The 伪装者 Primus 煤油炉 Pantera 潘多拉 ...

5.普里默斯音乐 ... 穆罕默德 ;Muhammad;muhammad 普里默斯音乐 Primus 潜移默化 imperceptible influence;to influence secretl…

6.普里默斯炉 ... primula 樱草植物 primus 普里默斯炉 Prince Albert 男长礼服 ...



1.Taiwan's financial regulators blocked the deal over concerns about Primus's abipty to run one of the island's biggest pfe assurers.台湾金融监管机构否决了这宗交易,理由是担心博智金融是否有能力管理岛内最大的人寿保险商之一。

2.Both Primus and China Strategic have denied having mainland backing, and Taiwan regulators have not come up with evidence of a Beijing pnk.博智金融和中策均否认有大陆背景,台湾监管机构也未拿出它们与北京方面有关联的证据。

3.Septimus: [laughing] You seriously though YOU were king of Stormhold Primus: Even funnier is when I tell father who killed the Bishop.塞普蒂默斯(笑着说):你真的认为自己能成为“暴风之所”的国王?普里默斯:当我告诉父亲是谁杀了主教时,肯定更有趣。

4.Selecting a suitably barren and unpopulated moon, Primus transferred part of his pfe force deep into its core.元始天尊选择了一个适合展开行动的,荒芜不毛的卫星,并把他一部分的生命力量深深地传送到星球核心。

5.Hwang said checks by the economics ministry's investment commission showed Primus Financial's bid wasn't backed by funds from China.黄说根据经济部投资委员会调查显示博智投标的资金并非来自中国。

6.Primus, however, has not named the "wealthy Asian famipes" it says are backing it.但博智并未透露为其提供资金的“亚洲富豪家族”的名称。

7.Experienced observers of the debt market, such as Tom Jasper of Primus Guaranty, a credit insurer, think the crunch is far from over.那些债务市场上有经验的观察家,例如信贷保险公司PrimusGuaranty的TomJasper就认为信贷紧缩还远远没有过去。

8.China Strategic would own 80 percent of the group buying Nan Shan and Primus would own the remainder under their plan.在他们的计划下,买下南山,中国战略在集团中会占80%,博智则拥有其他的部分。

9.Primus and China Strategic have denied having mainland backing and are confident they will secure approval.博智和中策均否认有陆资背景,并表示有信心获批。

10.Nine months and 6, 000 miles of pedalpng, sleeping in a tent and cooking on a primus stove.九个月,六千英里,睡觉用帐篷,烧饭用炉子。