


网络释义:功能大体评定量表(Global Assessment Function);Geographical Adaptive Fidepty;大体功能量表(Global Assessment of Function)


1.功能大体评定量表(Global Assessment Function)第一节 个人和社会功能量表(PSP) 95第二节 功能大体评定量表GAF) 100第三节 SF-36健康调查简表(SF-36) 103第 …

2.Geographical Adaptive FideptyGAFGeographical Adaptive Fidepty)算法是以节点地理位置为依据的分簇算法,该算法把监测区域分成虚拟单元格,将节点 …

3.大体功能量表(Global Assessment of Function)以大体功能量表(GAF)评定心境障碍患者心理、社会和职业功能,GAF分成(1~90)9个等级,分数愈高,病情愈轻。2.2调查人员与方 …


1.We are posting this as a bid, but looking for a diamond within GAF, to be with us for long relationship.我们发布这个作为一个出价,但对于一个在GAF型钻石,寻求与我们同在的关系由来已久。

2.When bidding please let me know: URLS or previous fan pages you have involved before (URLS of your GAF project is also good).当投标请让我知道:网址或网页上你以前的风扇涉及前(您的GAF型项目的URL也不错)。

3.We have used lance for a while and are now trying GAF.我们使用了一段时间,他们正在尝试elanceGAF型。

4.if you are BUSY or you are not able to receive your fee on GAF. . . please don't bid.如果你很忙或您无法收到您的GAF型费…请不要出价。

5.I can deposit a small amount with GAF to show good faith and enable arbitration should either party not be satisfied.我可以沉积与GAF少量表现出诚意,使仲裁,任何一方不能得到满足。

6.At the end of my thesis I designed the future researching target of GAF topology control algorithm.在论文的最后给出了GAF拓扑控制算法的未来研究目标。

7.Payment through GAF escrow only, will release after full completion.通过GAF型代管付款只,全部完成后,将释放。

8.50% of the payment will put into GAF escrow made and when half the pnks are in place and verified.货款将投入GAF型代管时半制成的联系到位和验证。

9.We cannot consider your bid if you don't have high rated GAF feedback.我们不能认为,如果你出价不高,额定GAF系列反馈。

10.Designers from Mumbai will place a bid. Based on the GAF feedback, i will select a few.从孟买设计师将放置一个出价。在GAF结构的反馈,我会选择一些。