


美式发音: 英式发音: ['geɪnə]



复数:gainers  反义词




n.1.somebody who or something that gains2.a stock that increases in value during a trading period3.a dive in which the diver jumps forward, does a back somersault in the air, and enters the water feet first, facing away from the board

1.胜利者 N:naughtily 顽皮的 G:gainer 胜利者 I:illustrious 杰出的 ...

2.获得者 ... 117.campaigner 从军者,出征者 118.gainer 获得者,得利者,胜利者 119.diner 用膳者 ...

3.得利者 ... gained 得到 gainer 得利者 gainful 有利益的 ...

4.格尔 波赛顿 BOOST 格尔 GAINER 狼道 wolf-zone ...

5.获利者 ... fax 电传,传真 gainer 获利者 gallon 加仑 ...

6.前踢转体成俯撑 ... 52。full support lever 水平支撑 53。gainer 前踢转体成俯撑 56。hepcopter 分腿绞柱成俯撑 ...

7.增益补偿 ... 22.21 Reverb( 混响)效果 22.22 Gainer增益补偿)效果 22.23 Inverter( 相位翻转)效 …

8.增重粉 蛋白粉 Protein 增重粉 Gainer 肌酸 Creatine ...


1.The dollar was, however, the biggest gainer; as the eurozone's woes increased, funds around the world flooded back to the haven of the US.不过,美元才是最大的赢家;随着欧元区的麻烦越来越大,世界各地的资金再次涌入美国寻求避险。

2.let a man learn as early as possible honestly to confess his ignorance , and he will be a gainer by it in the long run.如果让一个人尽可能早地坦白承认自己的无知,从长远的观点来看,他会由此获益匪浅。

3.Brazil's agriculture would be the biggest gainer from an ambitious settlement, but its manufacturing would be less protected.巴西的农业将会是这个野心勃勃的结果最大的受益者,但这样一来对它的制造业的保护将会随之减轻。

4.Longer term, the biggest gainer is pkely to be gold.长期来看,得益最多的可能是黄金。

5.One major gainer in all the turmoil has been gold, seen by many investors as the ultimate safe haven.这次金融混乱的一个重要获利者是黄金,它也被很多投资者看成是最后的安全避难所。

6.He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets index in 2009.梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCIEmergingMarketIndex)中最大的赢家。

7.RIM switched from being a consistent net gainer of users to a consistent net loser of users in October 2010.从2010年10月开始,黑莓手机生产商RIM从用户持续净增长转为用户持续净流失。

8.And I by this will be a gainer too.而我也可以借此而大有收获;

9.Which country is the biggest gainer from the creation of the eurozone?哪个国家是创建欧元区最大的受益者?

10.The authors distinguish between three types of high-level gainer.两位作者对3类高收入群体进行了区分。