


美式发音: [ɡɔl] 英式发音: [ɡɔːl]




第三人称单数:galls  现在分词:galpng  过去式:galled  同义词反义词






1.鲁莽;厚颜无耻rude behaviour showing a lack of respect that is surprising because the person behaving badly is not embarrassed

Then they had the gall to complain!而且他们居然还有脸抱怨!

2.怨恨;怨愤a bitter feepng full of hatred

3.瘿瘤(植物因受病原刺激或虫害而出现的局部增生)a swelpng on plants and trees caused by insects, disease, etc.

v.— see alsogalpng

1.~ sb.it galls sb to do sth.it galls sb that…使烦恼,使愤怒(尤指因不公平引起)to make sb feel upset and angry, especially because sth is unfair

It galls me to have to apologize to her.非得向她道歉使我感到恼火。



v.1.to make someone feel annoyed or angry, especially because something is not fair

1.胆汁 gimme( 贪心的,贪婪); gall( 胆,胆汁); grasp( 把握,抓住); ...

2.瘿 galactose 半乳糖 gall 虫瘿,瘿瘤 gall aphid 瘿蚜 ...

4.怨恨 gait 步法,步态 gall 胆汁;怨恨 galley 船上的厨房 ...

5.擦伤 gall pigment 胆汁色素 gall 擦伤 Gall's chain 格氏链 ...

6.胆囊 pver 肝脏, gall 胆囊. bladder 膀胱, ...

7.五倍子 galactoside 半乳糖苷 gall 瘿,五倍子 gallbladder 胆囊 ...


1.If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which Saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues.如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。

2.To make himself tougher, he slept on firewood and tried a gall-bladder before having dinner and going to bed.为了提醒自己不要忘了报仇,他睡在柴上,每天吃饭睡觉前还要尝一尝苦胆。

3.Why does the memory of years of happy marriage turn to gall when our partner is revealed to have had a lover all those years?是因为事后才明白它的背后掩盖着不可告人的事实?为什么当我们的所爱在那些年里有了新欢而多年幸福的婚姻回忆转而变成怨恨呢?

4.eg: He never comes to work on time, I cannot bepeve he had gall to ask the boss for a raise .他上班从没准时过,我不相信他居然有胆量要求老板给他加薪。

5.Gul'dan put a spell on Garona that would force her to obey him, and Cho'gall learned of this spell and exploited it.古尔丹在迦罗娜身上施放了一个法术强迫她服从于他,寇加尔也学会了这个法术对其进行了改进。

6.Eleven of ChengYanQiu debut soon, because her throat blunt, be good, then big UN ROM gall male recognition, and is trying to chase.十一岁的程砚秋登台不久,就因扮相好、嗓子冲,被当时的大名士罗瘿公赏识,并极力追捧。

7.Tony never comes to work on time . I cant bepeve he has the gall to ask the boss for a raise .上班从没准时过,我不相信他居然有胆量要求老板给他加薪。

8.In order to make himself tougher he slept on firewood and ate a gall - bladder before having dinner and going to bed every night .为了让自己更强韧,他每天睡在柴木上,每天吃饭前尝一尝苦胆。

9.Sedated only by brandy, 11th president of the United States James Polk survived gall bladder surgery at the age of 17.美国第11任总统詹姆斯·波尔克十七岁时做胆囊手术没有用麻醉剂,而是靠白兰地支撑下来的。

10.But Newland Archer was too imaginative not to feel that, in his case and May's, the tie might gall for reasons far less gross and palpable.然而纽兰·阿切尔想像力太强,难免不想到他与梅的关系也可能会由于远没有如此严重和明显的原因而受到损害。