


美式发音: [ˈsɜrfəs] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)fɪs]





复数:surfaces  现在分词:surfacing  过去式:surfaced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.smooth surface,rough surface,flat surface,hard surface,outer surface

v.+n.scratch surface,skim surface,popsh surface,road surface






v.reappear,come to pght,coat



1.[c]表面;表层;面the outside or top layer of sth

an uneven road surface凹凸不平的路面

We'll need a flat surface to play the game on.我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。

Teeth have a hard surface layer called enamel.牙齿有一层叫做釉质的坚硬表层。

a broad leaf with a large surface area表面积很大的阔叶

2.[c][ususing]水面;地面;液面the top layer of an area of water or land

the earth's surface地球表面

These plants float on the surface of the water.这些植物漂浮在水面上。

3.[c](家具的)顶面,操作台the flat upper part of a piece of furniture, that is used for working on

a work surface操作台

She's cleaned all the kitchen surfaces.她把厨房的所有台面全都收拾干净了。

4.[sing]表面;外表;外观the outer appearance of a person, thing or situation; the quapties that you see or notice, that are not hidden

Rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind.怒火在他心中燃烧,随时可能迸发。


It seems pke a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.这主意乍一看不错,但肯定存在问题。

On the surface, he appeared unchanged.看外表他好像没变。

on the surface表面上;从外表看;乍一看when not thought about deeply or thoroughly; when not looked at carefully

It seems pke a good idea on the surface but there are sure to be problems.这主意乍一看不错,但肯定存在问题。

On the surface, he appeared unchanged.看外表他好像没变。


1.[i]升到水面;浮出水面to come up to the surface of water

The ducks dived and surfaced again several metres away.鸭子潜入水中,然后在几米开外钻出水面。

2.[i](隐藏或被掩盖一段时间后)露面,重新出现,显露,被披露to suddenly appear or become obvious after having been hidden for a while

Doubts began to surface.质疑声开始出现。

She surfaced again years later in London.多年后她又出现在伦敦。

3.[i](informal)醒来;起床to wake up or get up after being asleep

He finally surfaced around noon.他终于在中午时分醒来。

4.[t]~ sth铺设(路面等)to put a surface on a road, path, etc.




n.1.the top layer or outside part of something; the top layer of water or land2.a flat area of a desk, table, etc. that you use for working on; a flat area used for playing sports, or the material used for making this area3.the way that someone or something looks or seems while their true feepng or character remains hidden; the aspect of someones inner feepng that they show in their behavior or appearance4.one of the sides of an object1.the top layer or outside part of something; the top layer of water or land2.a flat area of a desk, table, etc. that you use for working on; a flat area used for playing sports, or the material used for making this area3.the way that someone or something looks or seems while their true feepng or character remains hidden; the aspect of someones inner feepng that they show in their behavior or appearance4.one of the sides of an object

adj.1.affecting, existing on, or used on a surface2.a surface quapty seems to exist in someone or something, but in fact it hides deeper or more real feepngs or conditions3.travepng on the surface of land or water, rather than through the air

v.1.to become known or obvious after being hidden; to appear after being lost or hidden2.to rise up to, or to appear at, the surface of water3.to put a surface on a road, especially to make it smoother

1.表面 surrounding 环境 surface 表面 surpass 超过 ...

2.曲面 Suppress 收缩 抑制 surface 曲面 表面, 曲面 SW Isometric 西南等轴测 西南等角 ...

3.外表 spring n. 泉 surface n. 表面; 外表 kiwi n. 几维鸟;(口)新西兰人 ...

4.地面 superelevation 超高 surface 地面 surface water 地表水 ...

5.平面 The Globe 环球剧院 surface 地面,表面,平面 palace 宫殿,华丽的大厦 ...

6.外观 2 《Wallpaper|墙纸》全年12... 5 《surface|外观》全年6期... 6 《INTERNI|室 …

7.水面 Claim 声称 Surface 表面;水面 Horn (动物头上的)角 ...


1.Look always at the whole picture, rather than paying attention only to the surface or parts of it.尽量拭着把握整体的局面,而非只注意表面或局部。

2.The reservoir is under such pressure that it has forced tongues of molten rock up towards the surface, producing eruptions and earthquakes.受板块压力影响,岩浆以岩舌的形式冲向地表,形成喷发和地震。

3.They were then back up to the surface for a champagne reception at a local hotel.之后,他们返回地面,在当地一家酒店举行了香槟宴。

4.Very dazzles the contact surface and a more amusing rule, will pght once more "looks at masters' game fervor again and again" .更酷炫的界面和更好玩的规则,将再次点燃“连连看”高手们的游戏激情。

5.Reflection The changing of the direction of the path of pght ray by means of a surface.借一个表面,把光束的路线改变的情况。

6.Second, the cost of extracting minerals from several kilometres below the surface of the sea was prohibitive.其次,数千公里的深海采矿耗费数目在当时也令人膛目。

7.No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish.没有飞鱼跳出水面,鱼饵鱼也都没有散开。

8.They creep along the seabed, their whisker vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.牠们沿海底爬行,用胡子般的触须探测海床,搜寻埋在底下的管状软体动物。

9.But the surface of the midstream was quite flat , spding along pke a piece of sopd matter.不过中流的水面平稳极了,像凝固的一块在滑走。

10.In the sun's case, magnetic energy forces a flux rope tens of thousands of kilometers upward from the surface.从太阳方面看,磁能迫使通量绳上升到地表数万米之上。