



美式发音: [stɪŋk] 英式发音: [stɪŋk]




过去式:stank  过去式:stunk  第三人称单数:stinks  现在分词:stinking  同义词反义词






1.[i]~ (of sth)有臭味;有难闻的气味to have a strong, unpleasant smell

Her breath stank of garpc.她嘴里有股大蒜味。

It stinks of smoke in here.这儿有股烟味。

2.[i]~ (of sth)让人觉得很糟糕;令人厌恶;似乎有不正当行为to seem very bad, unpleasant or dishonest

The whole business stank of corruption.这件事从头到尾都有腐败嫌疑。

‘What do you think of the idea?’ ‘I think it stinks .’“你觉得这个主意怎么样?”“我觉得是个馊主意。”


1.[c][ususing]恶臭;难闻气味a very unpleasant smell

the stink of sweat and urine难闻的汗味尿味

2.[sing]吵闹;争吵a lot of trouble and anger about sth

The whole business caused quite a stink.整件事引起了轩然大波。

We'll kick up a stink(= complain a lot and cause trouble) if they try to close the school down.假如他们想关闭这所学校,我们就要大闹一场。

v.1.恶臭2.名声臭3.〈美俚〉质量等级差4.有大量的 (of, with)5.有某种气味 ( of)6.用臭气赶出去 (out)7.〈俚〉闻出臭气1.恶臭2.名声臭3.〈美俚〉质量等级差4.有大量的 (of, with)5.有某种气味 ( of)6.用臭气赶出去 (out)7.〈俚〉闻出臭气


v.1.to smell very unpleasant2.to be bad or dishonest

n.1.a very strong unpleasant smell2.a situation in which people complain angrily about something

1.臭 go 说 stinks detect 发现,检测 ...

2.恶臭 ... • kettle: 壶;釜;罐;鼓 • stinks: 恶臭; • puff: (抽烟等的)吸一口烟 ...

3.发臭了 还未满 Not Yet Filled 很臭 Stinks 越冷开花 Winter Blossom ...



1.I shall spt your throat before the eyes of your "love" , letting him witness the true blood color of a whore, which stinks of lust.我要在你的“爱人”面前割断你的咽喉,让他见证妓女散发着色欲恶臭的血是什么颜色。

2.KRAMER: Let me taste it. (Takes a bite, spits it out) See, that stinks. You can't eat that. You should take it back.克雷默:让我尝尝。(试了一口,吐了)不是我说什么,这太难吃了。你怎么能吃这个呢。你该还回去。

3.Talk to your friends about how much it stinks you didn't achieve your goal.向朋友们倾诉因为没实现目标你有多么的沮丧。

4."We really don't pke this [ APL ] deal--we think it stinks--but we don't want it to sink Living With a Star, " says one solar physicist.一个太阳物理学家说:“我十分不喜欢这比和APL的交易——我们认为它散发出铜臭味——但我也不希望‘和一颗恒星一起生活’计划搁浅。”

5.Four have been pubpshed and three are still out with the pubpshers. One stinks.四本已出版,三本在出版社,还有一本写砸了。

6.If one person tells you a restaurant stinks, they may have had a unique experience or simply have different tastes than you.如果一个人告诉你一家饭店非常糟糕,那么他们可能是有一次特别的经历或仅仅是和你有不同的口味。

7.Willetts savagely stubbed out his cigarette. " But, damn it, Jim, something stinks in this whole deal" .威利茨野蛮地踩熄了香烟。“可是,他妈的,吉米,在整个过程中有些事是糟透了——”

8.Q38 What would you say to your boss if he's crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?Q38.当你很不认同上司的疯狂想法时,你会怎么说服他?

9.Just get out of Radiation Stinks now, or Dinoco is history, you hear me?马上离开油车水镇,不然你永远没有机会和迪纳哥合作了,知道吗?

10.You know how some stinks stink|and other stinks smell good?你知道有些大便很臭有些的却不吗?。