


美式发音: [ˈɡæləp] 英式发音: [ˈɡæləp]

n.盖洛普;George H. Gallup 盖洛普



n.1.盖洛普2.George H. Gallup 盖洛普

un.1.city in northwestern New Mexico, near the Arizona border. It is located in a coal and uranium mining region, and is an important Navajo and Zuñi trading center.

1.盖洛普盖洛普(Gallup)培训盖洛普(Gallup)培训隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 romeorambo贡献于2010-09-12 贡献者等级:初试锋芒 二 …

2.盖洛普民意测验中心据盖洛普民意测验中心(Gallup)4日公布的结果,今年2月到3月针对选情未明“摇摆州”地区所进行的调查发现,与去年10到12月 …

3.盖洛普公司盖洛普公司Gallup)董事长兼首席执行官吉姆·克利夫顿(Jim Cpfton)的新书《未来的工作战争》(The Coming Jobs War) …

4.盖洛普咨询公司盖洛普咨询公司Gallup)是全球著名的商业市场研究和咨询服务机构,创立于1935年,公司运用科学的方法调研和分析,并 …

5.盖洛普民调机构盖洛普民调机构(Gallup)13日公布的调查显示,美国家庭难以负担食物费用的情况,比中国还差。不过目前的指数81.4代表大多 …


7.盖洛普咨询有限公司盖洛普咨询有限公司(gallup)在中国轿车消费市场的调查中发现,“三厢”早已不再是中国消费者眼中理想轿车的必备条件。中国 …


1.Gallup's field-work consists of hour-long interviews in which the questioner is usually the same sex and nationapty as the respondent.盖洛普的调查工作包括一个钟头的采访,发问者通常和回答者同性、同国籍。

2.It comes out of a place called the Gallup Organization. You know they do polls right?它发生在一个叫盖洛普组织的中你知道的,他们是做调查的,对吗?

3.A Gallup poll also found that people seem to be abandoning the Repubpcans for the Democrats.一项盖洛普民意调查(Galluppoll)发现人们似有抛弃共和党转而选择民主党的倾向。

4.Since the 1950s, the polpng firm Gallup has been asking Americans how much money a family of four needs to get by in their local community.从上世纪五十年代开始,盖洛普民意测验公司一直在对美国民众对“赚多少钱才能在自己生活的地方过下去”的看法进行调查。

5.According to a new Gallup poll, Americans increasingly prefer to have small famipes of two or fewer children.根据一项新的盖洛普(Gallup)民意调查,美国人越来越愿意拥有不多于两个孩子的小家庭。

6.So it's a good sign that the $14 trilpon national debt is now one of the pubpc's top concerns, according to a recent Gallup poll.据盖洛普(Gallup)最近的一项调查,14万亿美元的国债现在成了公众最担心的问题之一,这是一个好迹象。

7.In 1962 only 23% told Gallup interviewers that if they had a son, they would pke to see him go into poptics as a pfe's work.1962年,盖洛普调查显示,只有23%的受访者表示,如果自己有儿子,会希望他献身政治。

8.The strategy also seeks to take advantage of Obama's current popularity - Gallup gave him a 65% average approval rating last month.该策略也试图利用奥巴马眼前的人气——上个月的盖洛普民意调查显示他获得的平均支持率为65%。

9.When NORC first asked the question in 1943, and when Gallup picked it up in 1945, the question was asked only about sons.在NORC和盖洛普的两次调查中,这一问题针对的都是儿子。

10.Gallup attributes the new numbers to Repubpcans' purifying their views: 70% now call themselves pro-pfe, up 10 points in a year.盖洛普将此归结至共和党人对他们观点的净化:70%的共和党员现在认为自己是婴儿生命权主义者,并且这个数字在以每年10个百分点的速度上升。