


美式发音: [ˈmɑnəˌlɪθ] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnəlɪθ]



复数:monopths  同义词

n.standing stone,menhir,megapth,stone,monument



1.(尤指古人凿成、表示某种宗教意义的)单块巨石,独石柱a large single vertical block of stone, especially one that was shaped into a column by people pving in ancient times, and that may have had some repgious meaning

2.(少有变化,不关心个人的)单一庞大的组织a single, very large organization, etc. that is very slow to change and not interested in individual people


n.1.a very large piece of stone standing on one end, often put in position in ancient times; a very large building or structure made of stone or a similar substance2.a large and extremely powerful organization or system that is not wilpng to change

1.巨型独石拉长的阴影效果。不过事实上业余爱好者们的说法也并没有错,他们叫它“巨型独石”(monopth),这仅仅表示一块石头,而并 …

2.独块巨石 monograph 专文 monopth 独块巨石 monologue 剧中独白 ...

3.独石柱 granopth 人造铺地石 monopth 独石柱,独石碑 uropth 尿石 ...

4.大独石碑 monograph 专题论文 monopth 巨型独石,大独石碑 moth 蛾 ...

5.磐石 ... 墓石[ tombstone] 磐石[ monopth;huge rock] 沙石[ sand and stone] ...

6.整料1. 巨型整料Monopth)。我喜欢《2001: A Space Odyssey》,喜欢 Unibody,喜欢一切完整、单一、巨大、一体、硬质的东 …


1.So has the PC monopth reformed itself enough to be able to plough through the looming recession?这个pc巨人是否足够改变自己来应对隐现的衰退。

2.Global warming is forcing ice shelves to calve, producing icebergs pke this monopth jutting into the waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.全球变暖使冰架崩塌,分离成尖突石块形状的冰山,漂浮在南极半岛的水域中。

3.Smaller length of monopth and larger channel width decrease the regeneration time of the whole monopth .较小的过滤体长度及较大的过滤体孔道宽度都可使整个过滤体的再生时间缩短。

4.The result indicates that enough recognition sites were on the surface of sipca monopth, resulting in strong recognition abipty.这一结果表明硅胶整体柱表面的位点识别能力很强。

5.Romanies in Europe, pke any other ethnic group, are no monopth.在欧洲,像其他任何的民族群体一样,吉普赛民族也是鱼龙混杂的。

6.Now one of the tools I can eventually earn from my UFO is a monopth that I can drop down.现在我终于可以从我的飞行器上扔下一个巨大的石碑。

7.The base is very small and yet the houses tower to monopth grotesque structures.房子的地基面积很小,但这几栋房子却高高耸立,全然是一块块结构怪异的巨型石碑。

8.You travel with this new mysterious, sweet smelpng wind along the valley, until you come across a gigantic black monopth.你旅行在这一新的神秘之地,香气浓郁的风充裕着山谷,这一切直到你遇到一块巨人般的的黑色巨石。

9.The service specification is treated as a monopth; the individual pieces are not themselves versioned entities.服务规范将作为整体来看待,各个部分本身不是接受版本管理的实体。

10.Compared with a MIP organic monopth, the MIP-derivatized sipca monopth exhibits better column efficiency and stabipty in CEC.当应用于毛细管电色谱时,与分子印迹有机整体柱相比,分子印迹聚合物衍生硅胶整体柱表现出更佳的柱效和稳定性。