


美式发音: [ˈɡæmb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡæmb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:gambles  现在分词:gambpng  过去式:gambled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.huge gamble,big gamble

v.+n.take gamble

v.play safe





1.[i][t](牌戏、赛马等中)赌博,打赌to risk money on a card game, horse race, etc.

to gamble at cards赌纸牌

to gamble on the horses赌马

I gambled all my winnings on the last race.我把赢的钱全押在最后一场比赛上了。

2.[t][i]冒风险;碰运气;以…为赌注to risk losing sth in the hope of being successful

He's gambpng his reputation on this deal.他在以自己的声誉为这笔交易作赌注。

It was wrong to gamble with our children's future.拿我们孩子的未来冒险是错误的。


1.[sing]赌博;打赌;冒险an action that you take when you know there is a risk but when you hope that the result will be a success

She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it.她知道是在冒险,但她认为冒这个险值得。

They invested money in the company right at the start and the gamble paid off(= brought them success) .他们一开始就把资金投到这家公司,结果这一冒险获得了成功。



v.1.to risk money or something valuable in the hope of winning more if you are lucky or if you guess something correctly2.to do something that involves risks but may result in benefits if things happen as you hope they will

n.1.an action or plan that involves risks but will bring important benefits if it is successful

1.赌博 painter n. 画家 gamble n. 赌博 v.赌博;打赌 snobbish a. 势利的 ...

2.投机 gallon n. 加仑(液量单位) gamble v. & n. 赌博,投机,冒险 gang n. 一群,一伙 ...

3.冒险 gallon n. 加仑(液量单位) gamble v. & n. 赌博,投机,冒险 gang n. 一群,一伙 ...

4.宝洁 Johnson & Johnson 强生 Procter & Gamble 宝洁 Seven & I Holdings 7&I控股 ...

5.孤注一掷 fuss n. 大惊小怪,过份照顾 gamble v. 赌博,孤注一掷 gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒,暴徒 ...

6.宝洁公司 ... 美国电话电报公司( At&;;;T) 宝洁公司( Procter &;;; Gamble) 强生( Johnson …

7.甘布尔 Richards 理查兹 Gamble 甘布尔 Ferguson 弗格森 ...


1.It was bit of a gamble on him at the time but, by and large, most people say that Jeremie did very well during his time at the Club.当时对他来说这是场赌博。但是最终大体来说,多数人认为杰勒米在俱乐部效力期间表现不错。

2.If commercial banks were to be protected, they should not be allowed to gamble in the securities markets.如果商业银行要得到保护,那就不允许他们在证券市场厮混。

3.But in a nation where the urge to gamble is never far below the surface, the stock market has sometimes come to resemble a casino.但在赌博欲从来都没有掩藏得太深的中国,股市有时就像赌场。

4.I think we know that Cole is used to pressure, and despite massive wages, the lack of a transfer fee made it a gamble worth taking.我觉得我们都知道,科尔习惯于压力,虽然工资高昂,但不需要转会费使得这也是一个值得尝试的赌博。

5.Time may yet show that he should have doubled down on the gamble he took when he accepted Mr Obama's offer.时间会证实他应该在接受奥巴马录用时下双倍赌注。

6.It's a gamble. The hedge funds are mostly new to Hollywood. They've been warned against trying to run a studio on the cheap.这是一次赌博。这些对冲基金多数都是刚刚接触好莱坞。已经有人劝过它们,不要用低成本来运作一家电影制作公司。

7.The gamble paid off, and within a couple of years, the company moved to a real office in Seattle.最终他们投下的赌注带来了回报,就在几年内,公司搬进了位于西雅图的正式办公室。

8.Robert: (Laughing) If you gamble all night, you'll run out of money in a few days.(笑)如果你整晚都赌博,你几天内就会把钱用光的。(实验室的主任走了进来。)

9.I didn't want to take the gamble, it is only a pttle problem on his groin and I decided to replace him.我不想进行赌博,他的腹股沟有一点小问题,因此我决定找人替换他上场。

10.Blackburn Rovers midfield ace David Bentley admits he took a huge gamble leaving Arsenal.布莱克本中场球员大卫·本特利离开阿森纳对他来说是一次巨大的赌博。