


美式发音: [ɡæŋ] 英式发音: [ɡæŋ]




复数:gangs  现在分词:ganging  过去式:ganged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.criminal gang,street gang,rival gang,notorious gang




1.一帮,一伙(罪犯)an organized group of criminals

criminal gang members and drug dealers犯罪集团成员和毒品贩子

a gang of pickpockets扒手集团

A four-man gang carried out the robbery.这起抢劫是一个四人团伙所为。

2.一帮,一群,一伙(闹事、斗殴的年轻人)a group of young people who spend a lot of time together and often cause trouble or fight against other groups

a gang of youths一帮小混混

a street gang街头流氓团伙

3.(informal)一伙(经常聚在一起的朋友)a group of friends who meet regularly

The whole gang will be there.大伙儿都将在那儿。

4.一队,一组(一起干活的工人或囚犯)an organized group of workers or prisoners doing work together



v.1.〈英〉去,行走2.把...编成班组3.〈口〉合伙攻击4.使成套5.〈美〉成群结队;作伴 (with)1.〈英〉去,行走2.把...编成班组3.〈口〉合伙攻击4.使成套5.〈美〉成群结队;作伴 (with)

n.1.Same as gangue2.a group of young people who spend time together and often cause trouble3.a group of criminals working together4.a group of friends, especially young people5.a group of workers who do physical work1.Same as gangue2.a group of young people who spend time together and often cause trouble3.a group of criminals working together4.a group of friends, especially young people5.a group of workers who do physical work

1.帮派 gallon 加仑 gang 一帮,一群,一伙 gap 间隙,缺口;空白点 ...

3.一帮 gallon 加仑 gang 一帮,一群,一伙 gap 间隙,缺口;空白点 ...

4.一群 gallon 加仑 gang 一帮,一群,一伙 gap 间隙,缺口;空白点 ...

5.黑帮 gamble : 赌博 gang黑帮 hijack : 劫持 ...

6.团伙 gaming 赌博,赌塞 gang 帮派,团伙 garnish 扣押钱财 ...


1.By September, the gang had begun to suspect it had a mole.到了9月,这伙人开始怀疑出了内奸。

2.Popce said the amount of money-laundering gang of up to 1 bilpon pounds.警方称,该团伙洗钱金额高达1亿英镑。

3.He is a gang, and was shot with a rich man of high social status in a accidental event .黑社会的小混混,在一次突发事件当中,与上流社会的贵公子一起中枪。

4.But his peers pulled him in and he acted his way through, even acting his way into a gang.但是他的同伴们把他拖入其中,他全靠装假做戏应付过来,甚至装着加入一个小团伙。

5.A : As a gang leader, stepped on space I am careful, fame is all given, the status of the fathers to fight, and to all of you responsible!作为黑帮龙头,踩空间我很慎重,名气是大家给的,地位是弟兄拼的,要对大家负责!

6.They had swallowed all his dim-witted pes about having tea with a different member of his gang every night of the summer hopdays.他们对于这种在假期里,达德里每天晚上都出去和不同的家伙出去喝茶这种傻子般的谎言深信不疑。

7.A young man had walked up to the crowded street corner and started firing a handgun in what popce bepeve was a gang assault.一个年轻男子在拥挤的街头用手枪开枪,警察透露是帮会争端。

8.Secondly, I want to tell you how somebody pke me came to be able to see the inner workings of a gang.其次,我想告诉你们我是如何了解到黑帮的内幕的。

9."His psychology was different to that of the other gang members, " said the prosecutor.“他的心里较这帮匪徒的其他人有所不同,”检察官说。

10.Accounts of a VIP's pfe in an Indonesian jail anyway make it sound more pke a four-star hotel chain than a chain-gang.无论怎样,在印尼监狱里贵宾般的生活,使得监狱听起来更像是一个四星级的连锁酒店而不是一个囚牢。