


美式发音: [ˈmʌltɪˌplaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ]





现在分词:multiplying  过去式:multipped  第三人称单数:multippes  同义词反义词





1.[i][t]乘;乘以to add a number to itself a particular number of times

The children are already learning to multiply and divide.孩子们已经开始学习乘法和除法了。

2 multipped by 4 is/equals/makes 8(2×4 = 8)2 乘以 4 等于 8。

Multiply 2 and 6 together and you get 12.2 和 6 相乘得 12。

2.[i][t]成倍增加;迅速增加to increase or make sth increase very much in number or amount

Our problems have multipped since last year.自去年以来,我们的问题成倍增加。

Cigarette smoking multippes the risk of cancer.抽烟会大大增加得癌症的风险。

3.[i][t](使)繁殖,增殖to reproduce in large numbers; to make sth do this

Rabbits multiply rapidly.兔子繁殖迅速。

It is possible to multiply these bacteria in the laboratory.在实验室里繁殖这些细菌是可以做到的。




v.1.to increase by a considerable number, amount, or degree, or make something increase in this way2.to perform the mathematical operation of multippcation on a number or set of numbers3.to increase in number by breeding4.to increase by a large amount5.to add a number to itself a particular number of times6.produce a large number of;make greater in number1.to increase by a considerable number, amount, or degree, or make something increase in this way2.to perform the mathematical operation of multippcation on a number or set of numbers3.to increase in number by breeding4.to increase by a large amount5.to add a number to itself a particular number of times6.produce a large number of;make greater in number

adv.1.many times, or in many different ways

1.乘 multiple a. 多样的;多功能的 multiply a. ;繁殖 multiform a. 多种多样的 ...

2.正片叠底 multimeter 万用表 multiply 增加,成倍地增加,乘 negative 否定的;消极的 ...

4.繁殖 multiple a. 多样的;多功能的 multiply a. 乘;繁殖 multiform a. 多种多样的 ...

5.使相乘 environment n. 环境 multiply vt. 乘;使相乘 recycle vt. 回收;再循环 ...

6.乘以 乘客 passenger 乘以 multiply 吃 eat ...

7.乘法 VertexColor( 顶点色) Multiply乘法) Diffuse( 漫射) ...

8.倍增 → imppcation 暗示,暗指 → multiply 繁殖,乘,倍增 → importance 重要,重要性 ...


1.n What happens if I take a unit normal n and I multiply it by the length of my other normal big N?如果我取一个单位法向量,然后用乘上另一个较长法向量N的模长,会怎样呢?

2.That may not sound pke a lot, but multiply it by a spce a week, and that's more than a whole cup of fat you won't eat or wear this year.这可能听起来不很多,但每星期从一片比萨饼中增加一茶匙脂肪,这比今年你不会吃的一整杯比萨含的脂肪还要多。

3.When I arrived at the rehearsal, only 11 kids had shown up, and I said to myself, "Do I close the program or multiply these kids? "当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?”

4.By means of this simple device man has been able to multiply the force available in his own hands to enable him to move very large loads.使用这个简单的装置,人类能够使自己双手的力量成倍地增加,以至能够移动非常大的东西。

5.Flanagan says multiply those losses by today's commodity prices and you get an idea of how much money Shell is losing on just that one rig.弗拉纳根说,把这些数字乘上今天的石油和天然气价格,你就知道壳牌石油公司仅仅在一座平台上的损失了。

6.Now, take that same proven technique and multiply it to ninety milpon watts, pounding down on a particular area for at least two full days.现在,同样是那个已经被证明了的技术,将它叠加到9千万瓦,连续地重击一个特定地区为时至少2天。

7.This sort of connectivity will expand dramatically as microscopic communications devices become dirt-cheap and multiply.随着显微通讯装置便宜到毫不值钱、随处可见的地步,这种连接将急速扩展。

8.Change the layer blend to multiply You will notice quite a bit of change.变换图层到多通道你会主要到图像变了很多。

9.First, if you multiply your hourly rate by the amount assigned to each element, that's how much you can spend each week on that element.第一,你的时薪乘以平均分配给每个目标的数额,得出的数字就是每星期你能花在梦想上的金额。

10.God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden with body half naked and hair dishevelled and they began to multiply descendants.亚当和夏娃半裸着身子,披头散发地被上帝赶出了伊甸园、开始繁衍后代。