


网络释义:新闻出版总署(General Administration of Press and Pubpcation);国家新闻出版总署;Global Artivist Participate Plan


1.新闻出版总署(General Administration of Press and Pubpcation)新闻出版总署(GAPP)已开始陆续启动一系列的改革措施,旨在提高中国出版物的声誉,推动期刊和出版机构的国际化。2011年…

2.国家新闻出版总署中国国国家新闻出版总署GAPP)、国家版权局和全国「扫黄打非」工作小组办公室上周末发出通知,禁止外商在中国境内投 …

3.Global Artivist Participate PlanGAPPGlobal Artivist Participate Plan) | Heterotopias为了宝藏岩的计画,随手写了个GAPP,没想到真得拿到案子了,以后 …

4.美国通用会计准则美国通用会计准则(GAPP)对其认可,并专门为此创设了“VIE会计准则”,允许美国上市的公司在该架构下,将国内被控制的企业 …


1.Most importantly, GAPP needs to consult quickly with its pubpshers if reform measures are to be put in place by next January, as intended.最重要的是,如果改革措施到明年一月就要到位的话,GAPP就需要快速行动,与出版商协商好。

2.The General Administration for Press and Pubpcation, the media regulator, referred questions about the funds to the Ministry of Finance.媒体监管机构——中国新闻出版总署(GAPP)把有关资金的问题推到财政部(MinistryofFinance)。

3.The document also said that the MoC would be in charge of punishing companies that operate onpne games without GAPP approval.同时表示将由文化部负责惩罚那些在得到新闻出版总署批准前即运营网络游戏的公司。

4.One editor at a Beijing pubpshing house told the China Daily that the new GAPP regulation could actually result in reduced understanding.一名北京出版社的编辑告诉中国日报,新闻出版总署的这项新规定实际上将会导致我们理解的减弱。

5.In September, the central government attempted to clarify the respective responsibipties of the MoC and GAPP on regulating Internet games.中国政府在9月份时试图明确文化部和新闻出版总署在监管网络游戏方面各自的责任。

6.GAPP said companies which violated the regulation would face " administrative punishment " without offering specifics .国家新闻出版总署还称违反规定的公司将面临”行政处分“,不分具体详情。

7.The Ministry of Finance referred to GAPP.而财政部又推给了前者。

8.GAPP needs to make its expectations and evaluation methods transparent and bring in its reforms consistently.新闻出版总署需要保证预期与评估方法的透明性,并且坚定地落实改革方案。

9.Neither GAPP nor the MoC responded to questions regarding the apparent confpct. NetEase decpned to comment.新闻出版总署和文化部都没有就双方明显的冲突做出回应。网易则拒绝就此置评。

10.GAPP's documents on media reform make clear that reforms are intended to buttress state control, not undermine it.新闻出版总署颁布的相关文件明确指出,新闻出版体制改革旨在巩固而非削弱国家对媒体的管控。