


美式发音: [ˈrævɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['rævɪdʒ]




第三人称单数:ravages  现在分词:ravaging  过去式:ravaged  同义词反义词





1.[usupass]~ sth毁坏;损坏;严重损害to damage sth badly

a country ravaged by civil war遭受内战重创的国家



v.1.to destroy something or damage it very badly

1.破坏 ravish v 抢夺 ravage n 破坏 raven v 捕食;狼吞虎咽 ...

2.蹂躏 smithereens n 碎片,毁灭 ravage n 破坏,蹂躏 raze v 毁灭,刮去,把夷为平地 ...

3.毁坏 rape 强奸 ravage 蹂躏,毁坏,劫掠 revenge 替……报仇,报复 ...

4.劫掠 rape 强奸 ravage 蹂躏,毁坏,劫掠 revenge 替……报仇,报复 ...

5.掠夺 rational adj. 合理的 ravage v. 掠夺;破坏 ravish v. 强夺;使狂喜 ...

6.机器狗 raucous (声音)沙哑的,粗糙的 ravage 摧毁,使荒废 rave 热切赞扬;v.狂语 ...

8.毁灭 anchor 稳固,固定,锚 Ravage 毁灭 ravage 摧毁,使荒废 ...


1.It was as if Jackson knew that Bryant and his mates would ravage the Thunder, and the officials would let them.就好像菲尔早就知道科比和他的队友们会狠狠的蹂躏雷霆,而裁判会放任这一点。

2.Basically, gaming isn't going to ravage your idea machine upstairs, but, you know, maybe it's good diversify your interests.总而言之,游戏不会破坏你的高级灵感机器,但,你知道,也许可他可以分散你的兴趣。

3.but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land.随后又要来七个荒年,甚至埃及地都忘了先前的丰收,全地必被饥荒所灭。

4.Even the famines that sometimes ravage less-developed countries are rarely due to overpopulation--civil war is a more common cause.就算有些欠发达国家不时遭受饥荒肆虐,也很少是由于托马斯马尔萨斯人口过多导致的――国内战争是更常见的原因。

5.Nations around the world still maintain huge arsenals, including weapons of mass destruction, and armed confpcts still ravage many regions.世界各国仍拥有大量的武器库,其中包括大规模毁灭性武器,武装冲突仍在许多地区肆虐。

6.Although he has enslaved the Dark Iron dwarves who summoned him, he hungers still to ravage the world around him.尽管他已经奴役了召唤他的黑铁矮人,但他的野心依然开始蹂躏附近的世界。

7.New Berserker class empowers you to ravage your enemies with two-handed axes or by hurpng large objects.全新的狂战士职业,可以使用双手斧或挥舞巨大的东西对敌人进行猛烈的攻击。

8.ravage wreck Damming rivers for hydropower plants has devastated river systems , submerged farmland and displaced thousands of people .拦河筑坝,建立水力发电厂,破坏了河川生态体系,淹没农田,并使数千人被迫迁居他乡。

9.Global droughts continue to ravage farmland, intensifying widespread malnutrition and poverty.全球性干旱继续肆虐农田,进一步加剧普遍的营养不良和贫困。

10.For example, what if I (as the original article's author did) added in an evil paperboy to ravage unsuspecting customer wallets?例如,如果我(像原文章的作者所做的那样)添加了一个坏报童,去抢劫那些不知情客户的钱包,又会怎么样?