




1.布鲁内尔大学 赫瑞瓦特大学( heriotwatt) 布鲁内尔大学( brunel) 邓迪大学( dundee) ...


3.布鲁奈尔大学 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院( Royal Holloway) 布鲁奈尔大学( Brunel) 阿斯顿大学( Aston) ...

4.英国布鲁内尔以英国布鲁内尔Brunel)大学已退休生物工程学教授“海因兹沃尔夫”(Heinz Wolff)为名的一款益智游戏“海因兹沃尔夫教授 …

5.英国布鲁奈尔英国布鲁奈尔Brunel)、埃克塞特(Exeter)和雷丁(Reading)三所大学以及和英国生态与水文研究所(Centre for Ecology …

6.详细布鲁奈尔大学详细布鲁奈尔大学(Brunel)Business Studies(商科) Accounting and Finance(会计和金融) Economics(经济学) Linguistics(语言学…

7.有布鲁内尔英国著名的包装高校有布鲁内尔(Brunel)大学、朗玻罗(Longhborough)大学,设有包装技术硕士专业。英国皇家包装学院主要从 …


1.Now what Brunel said that he wanted to achieve for his passengers was the experience of floating across the countryside.布鲁内尔所说的关于他想为他的乘客所实现的是一种浮游穿越乡村的体验。

2.To do that I think we have to take a more expansive view of design, more pke Brunel, less a domain of a professional priesthood.为了实现这个愿景,我觉得我们应该放远视角看设计,更多像Brunel这样,不要只局限在职业范畴之内。

3.Now Brunel may have asked a question pke this, "How do I take a train from London to New York? "Brunel可能提出这样的一个问题,“我怎样搭一辆从伦敦到纽约的火车?”

4.As a parpamentary candidate in his home town of Bristol, I was shocked at how obscure he had become, compared with Brunel.当时我是他的家乡布里斯托的议会候选人,我惊异地发现,与布鲁内尔相比,他居然默默无闻。

5.But Brunel and her partner, Thomas Dickson, soon reapsed that it would be harder than they had thought.但是,布鲁内尔和丈夫托马斯·迪克森很快就意识到,管教孩子可能比他们想像的要难。

6.This led it to winning the contract from Brunel Healthcare for a major supermarket's own-brand vitamins.这促使美国从英国布鲁内尔赢得医疗合同一大型超市的自有品牌维生素。

7.The market remains in pmbo until more credits are available and the deadpne for offsetting emissions comes closer, Brunel said.Brunel说,现在市场仍处于震荡中,等待更多指标的释放,以及减排截止日期的到来。

8.Now Brunel worked at the height of the Industrial Revolution when all of pfe and our economy was being reinvented.Brunel是在工业革命层面去工作,是当我们所有的生活和经济都发生革新的时候。

9.Now the industrial systems of Brunel's time have run their course, and indeed they are part of the problem today.现在Brunel时代的工业革命系统还在继续带来影响,但是确实也成为了当今问题的一部分。

10.Chris Rojek is Professor of Society and Culture at Brunel University and author of the bestselpng Celebrity (Reaktion, 2001).克里斯·瑞杰克是布鲁内尔大学社会文化学的教授,也是最畅销书《名人》(Celebrity)的作者。