




1.花园小路 garden furniture 庭院家具 garden path 花园小路 garden tile 花园铺路用砖 ...

2.花园路径 【新品】美国原单 真丝抱枕套 长茎花 stalk flower silk pillow 【新品】出口美国 外贸原单 纯真丝 抱枕套 香园小径 garden pat

4.花园小径 ... A path leads straight to Stonehenge. 一直通往巨石阵的小径。 garden path 公园小

6.园中小道 空中小操场 Air small playground 园中小道 Garden path 30米跑道 30 m runway ...

7.园径如“更换球队或者经纪人”, 从而使 得读者进入一种园径(garden path), 产生园径效应 (Frazier & Rayner, 1982; 闫国利, 2004)。


1.He made these confessions to lead the popce up the garden path.他说出这些口供,是为了让警察产生错觉。

2.It's easy for your mind to lead you up the garden path when it comes to making a good decision.当你要做出决策时,你的思想很容易引导你走上平坦的花园小径。

3.The Opposition speaker accused the British Government of leading the country up the garden path on the question of civil defence.反对党发言人指责英国政府把国家领上了一条狭路。

4.Some fool had left the lawn- mower on the garden path, and in the dark I fell over it.痴把除草机放在花园的小路上,黑暗中我被绊了一跤。

5.LET US HAVE A LOOK, THEN, AT THE VERY BEginning of Ayer Foundations--the bottom, one might perhaps call it, of the garden path.下面,让我们来看看艾耶尔的《经验知识的基础》这本书刚一开始的部分――也许可以把这部分称作回廊曲径下面的基地。

6.Having uttered these words he left the house, slowly sauntered down the garden path, and disappeared through the gate.说了这些话,他就离开屋子,慢慢地顺着花园小径走去,出了大门不见了。

7.The garden path has never been cleared for the visit of a guest.花径不曾缘客扫。

8.She trusts him and follows his advice all the time, but I'm worried he might be leading her up the garden path.她信任他并一直听从他的意见,但我担心他也许是在把她往歪道上领。

9.Returning along the garden path Tess mused on what the mother could have wished to ascertain from the book on this particular day.当苔丝沿着花园的小道回屋时,心里默默地想,母亲在今天这个特别的日子里是想从书中查找什么。

10.Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.毛胚和密腾摇摇摆摆地走下花园里的小路。不久他们踩到自己的无袖连衫裙并且迎面扑倒。