



美式发音: [ˈɡɑrd(ə)nər] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑː(r)d(ə)nə(r)]



复数:gardeners  同义词

n.horticulturist,grower,landscape gardener,planter,landscaper



n.1.someone whose job is to take care of a garden2.someone who enjoys growing plants and is good at it

1.园艺大师 Evelyn Rose 爱芙蓉玫瑰香水 Gardeners 园艺大师 Himalayan Blue 蓝色喜马拉雅 ...

2.园艺大师系列 ... Wisteria 紫藤花系列 Gardeners 园艺大师系列 Gardeners Hand Recovery 园艺大师60秒再生护手精华盐 100g $1…

3.园丁 ... 园丁 gardener 园丁 gardeners 园三郎 Sonosaburo ...

4.园丁系列清丽非常;薰衣草(Lavender)脂粉味较明显;园丁系列Gardeners)主攻强效滋润;轻松又清新的La Source获许多五星 …


7.园艺及花圃 地板安装及翻新 Floor Laying & Refinishing 园艺及花圃 Gardeners & Nurseries 玻璃镜行 Glass & Mirrors ...


1.The gorillas - or "gardeners of the forest" as Redmond called them - were crucial to fighting cpmate change, he said.雷蒙德表示,作为“森林的园丁”的大猩猩对于应对气候变化至关重要。

2.In this, Dr Venter seems to be going with the grain of nature, as wise gardeners do.对此,文特尔像一个聪明的园丁一样,在配合自然的成果。

3.Some gardeners plant potatoes under straw, or stems of dried grain. Instead of burying the seed pieces, place them at the surface.有的种植者把土豆种在稻草或干的谷物茎下,他们不掩埋切块,而是将之放在土壤表面。

4.When hiking into the town of Lovoni on the island of Ovalau, Fiji, I happened upon a group of gardeners at the end of their day.当我徒步旅行到斐济欧瓦罗岛上的Lovoni镇时,我碰巧遇上一群工作回来的花匠。

5."Don't all gardeners do that? " she said.她说:“所有的园丁不都是这么做的吗?”

6.This lush botanical garden on the Croatian coast is not run by a team of experienced gardeners, but a group of school children.在克罗埃西亚海岸的这个茂盛植物园,不是由一群有经验的团队所经营,而是一群学生。

7.his gardeners had to turn the fountains on as he approached.园丁便在他接近时打开喷泉

8.Much of the wisdom discovered by early Chinese scientists is still useful for farmers and gardeners today.中国古代科学家所发现的大量的知识和经验,对于今天的农民的园丁仍然有用。

9.Gardeners pke myself, would instantly know when a plant is dying of thirst merely by the wretchedness of its stance.作为一个园丁,譬如说我,只要一看植物们萎靡的姿态就知道它们要渴死了。

10.One natural Chinese family has always been known but has been extraordinarily difficult for gardeners to acquire and cherish.一种中国的自然物种早就为外界所知,但对于西方园艺爱好者而言,却异常难以找到并拥有它。