




1.加扎 加尔维斯顿县( Galveston) 加扎县( Garza) 基利斯比县( Gillespie) ...

3.加尔扎去年6月,她的母亲听一个邻居介绍,说有个叫加尔扎Garza)的医生,能治疑难杂症。那个母亲带上女儿,找到了加尔扎医 …


1.De la Garza said the pquid appeared to be gasopne.德拉加尔萨说,似乎是汽油的液体。

2.De La Garza: I am so thrilled that Ford Moto Company is going to be entering the B-segment with such a highly competitive vehicle.德拉萨加尔萨:我很高兴,福特汽车摩托车公司将是进入的B段这样的高度竞争性的汽车。

3."If he had received support at the time he asked for it, he would still be with us, " said his brother Pedro Garza.他的弟弟佩德罗·加尔萨这样表示:“如果他当时能获得所要求的相应帮助,他应该还是和我们在说话”。

4.Uribe tried to help Garza by sending him kiwis, grapefruit, pears and a protein supplement.乌里韦曾试图帮助加尔萨,并送给他猕猴桃,柚子,梨和蛋白质补充剂等物品。

5.At his funeral, family members slammed state officials for not moving Garza to a hospital in Mexico before he became critically ill.在他的葬礼上,他的家人严厉谴责当地官员没有及时把加尔萨送去医院,这使他的病情加重。

6.One of the early domestic 50x15 deployments originates in AMD's backyard in Austin, Texas at Gonzalo Garza Independence High School.早期国内的50x15部署计划之一是在德克萨斯州奥斯丁的贡萨罗加尔萨独立中学内的AMD后院发起的。

7.Garza's condition deteriorated over the weekend as he struggled to breathe and eat.加尔萨的病情是在上周末开始恶化的,他不得不挣扎着去呼吸和进食。

8.De La Garza: We do get that question a lot, but at this time we do not currently have plans for the three-door hatchback.德拉萨加尔萨:我们获得了很多这个问题,但在这个时候,我们目前没有计划3门掀背车。

9.The 50x15 team saw the Garza School as a unique opportunity and approached the Garza School's students with an unusual proposal.50x15计划团队将加尔萨学校视为独特的机会,并带着一份特殊的计划接触了加尔萨学校的学生。

10.Although her art has an innocent earnestness and folkloric affinity, Lomas Garza's expression is neither naive nor instinctive.尽管她的艺术天真、诚挚并与民间艺术有极深的渊源,洛玛斯·加扎的表现手法却绝不幼稚也并不是仅仅出于本能。