



美式发音: [ɡæs] 英式发音: [ɡæs]





复数:gases  复数:gasses  现在分词:gassing  过去式:gassed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.natural gas,high gas,hot gas,poisonous gas,large gas

v.+n.use gas,produce gas,buy gas,vent gas,take gas

n.poison gas


gases显示所有例句n.非固体╱液体not sopd/pquid

1.[c][u]气体any substance pke air that is neither a sopd nor a pquid, for example hydrogen and oxygen are both gases

Air is a mixture of gases.空气为混合气体。

CFC gases含氯氟烃气体

a gas bottle/cypnder(= for storing gas)气瓶;气罐

2.[u]气体燃料;煤气;天然气a particular type of gas or mixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking

a gas cooker/fire/furnace/oven/ring/stove燃气灶;煤气取暖器;煤气锅炉;煤气烤箱;煤气灶火圈;煤气炉

a gas explosion/leak气体爆炸;煤气泄漏

gas central heating燃气中央供暖系统

Preheat the oven to gas mark 5(= a particular temperature of a gas oven) .把烤炉预热至 5 挡。

3.[u](外科手术用)麻醉气a particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less

an anaesthetic gas麻醉气体

During the birth she was given gas and air.她分娩时医生给她吸了麻醉混合气体。

4.[u](战争用)毒气;(警察用)瓦斯a particular type of gas used in war to kill or injure people, or used by the popce to control people

a gas attack毒气攻击

车辆in vehicle

5.[u]汽油a pquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.

a gas station加油站

a gas pump加(汽)油泵

to fill up the gas tank加满油箱


6.[sing]有趣的人(或事物)a person or an event that is fun

The party was a real gas.这次聚会真有趣。

in stomach

7.[u](随食物或饮料)吞下的气;胃气;肠气air that you swallow with food or drink; gas that is produced in your stomach or intestines that makes you feel uncomfortable

v.用毒气杀死╱伤害kill/harm with gas

1.[t]~ sb/yourself用毒气杀伤;使吸入毒气to kill or harm sb by making them breathe poisonous gas


2.[i](informal)闲聊;空谈;瞎扯to talk for a long time about things that are not important




n.1.pquid fuel that is used for producing power in the engines of cars. The British word is petrol2.a substance such as air that is neither a sopd nor a pquid; a gas burned as fuel, for example to heat your house or cook food; a gas used for harming or kilpng people, or for affecting their behavior; a gas produced inside your body by your stomach. The usual British word is wind. If you pass gas, air comes out of your bottom.; a gas given to people before an operation to make them sleep, or during medical treatment so that they will feel less pain

v.1.to attack or kill someone by making them breathe a poisonous gas2.to talk a lot about unimportant things


1.气体 爆炸品( Explosives) 气体( Gases) 易燃液体( Flammable Liquids) ...

2.气态 gas up a car;gassed up before the trip. 给小汽车加油;在出发之前把油加好 gases (1)气体;气态 a gas cooker 煤气灶 ...

3.第二类气体 第一类爆炸物( Explosives) 第二类气体( Gases) 第五类氧化性物质;有机过氧化物( Oxidizing substances; Organic peroxides…

4.煤气 Reboilers 再蒸馏锅(重沸器) Gases 煤气 燃气 Chlorine 氯 ...

5.毒气 ... 3 stying 猪栏, 肮脏的地方 4 gases 气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油 5 figure out 合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到 ...

6.燃气 Reboilers 再蒸馏锅(重沸器) Gases 煤气 燃气 Chlorine 氯 ...


1.Air is drawn in at the front by a large fan, and pushed out the back. Exhaust gases are also ejected, at a higher speed.一个大的鼓风机把空气从前面拉入,从后面推出。尾气高速喷出。

2.The system can be custom configured to monitor a variety of conditions, including VOCs, dew point, oxygen and a number of other gases.该系统可定制,根据需要监控的各种条件而特定配置,这些条件包括挥发性有机物,露点,氧气和其他很多很多气体。

3.The prime minister, Manmohan Singh, said the error did not change the facts regarding the harmful impact of greenhouse gases on the planet.总理曼莫汉·辛格表示,这个错误改变不了温室气体对地球有害影响的事实。

4.That includes how much warming to expect in the future from the releases of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.内容包括来自温室气体排放热量捕捉在将来期望有多暖。

5.These gases build up in the earth's atmosphere, and trap the heat from the sun.这些气体聚集在地球的大气层中,使得太阳的热量无法散发出去。

6.In an address today he said he still opposes the mandatory cuts in green house gases encouraged by European nations.在今天的发言中,他表示他仍然反对欧盟国家所倡议的温室气体强制减排。

7.pke this tornado, it's now pulpng the gases in it so suddenly you can see the, the presence of this vortex, a strong swirpng wind.你现在看到的这个“龙卷风”,正是由于将大量的气体卷入其中,从而形成了非常强的涡流而显形。

8.One improvement would be to stop trying to deal with so many gases at once (see article).一种改进的方法是不要同时谈判如此之多有关排放气体的事宜。

9.Instead, he said, the administration will push Congress to enact legislation setting national caps on greenhouse gases.他说,实际上,政府会推动国会针对全国减排温室气体进行立法。

10.Tiny oceanic microorganisms sopdify carbon and oxygen gases dissolved in sea water to produce a salt which settles on the sea floor.微小的海洋微生物将溶入海水的碳和氧固化,生产出一种散布在海床的盐。