


美式发音: [ˈsleɪv(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈsleɪvəri]









1.奴隶身份the state of being a slave

to be sold into slavery被卖为奴

2.奴隶制;蓄奴the practice of having slaves

the aboption of slavery奴隶制的废除

n.1.奴隶制;占有奴隶2.苦役;奴隶般的劳动3.束缚;屈从;耽迷(酒色等) (to)4.奴隶身分,奴隶状态1.奴隶制;占有奴隶2.苦役;奴隶般的劳动3.束缚;屈从;耽迷(酒色等) (to)4.奴隶身分,奴隶状态


n.1.the system of owning people as slaves2.the condition of being a slave, or of having to work for another person

1.奴隶制度 slave n. 奴隶 slavery n. 奴隶制度 sleep n. 睡觉 ...

2.奴役 rivalry 敌对 slavery 奴役 jewelry 宝石 ...

3.奴隶身份 missilery 导弹技术 slavery 奴隶身份 evanesce 渐渐消失 ...

4.苦役 ery 构成名词表示身份 slavery 苦役 87. - bakery 面 包房 88. - ...

5.奴隶身分 bravery( 勇敢) slavery奴隶身分, 奴隶制度) Chinese( 中国的,) ...

6.奴隶制度,奴役 ... campaign n. 战役;运动 v.参加运动,参加竞选活动 slavery n. 奴隶制度,奴役;奴隶身份 eclecticism n. 折衷 …


1.In his inaugural speech, the new president denounced the long dispute over slavery. He said he hoped it would end soon.在他的就职演说中,他公开指责美国国内长期存在的有关奴隶制的争论,他说,他希望尽快结束这种争论。

2.Partial freedom seems to me a most invidious mode of slavery.部分的自由对我来说就是最令人憎恶的奴役方式。

3.At a time when western countries (mainly referring to here is the European countries) was just a state of slavery in the city state.而此时的西方各国(这里主要指的是欧洲各国)还仅仅是奴隶制的邦城国家。

4.He said they were interfering with a southern institution and were forcing slavery into poptics.他说,这些废奴主义者防碍了南方的社会制度,并强行将奴隶制带进了政治领域。

5.As I've said elsewhere, the members of the Court in Plessy remembered the day when human slavery was the law in much of the land.我在别处就已经说过,普莱西案的法庭人员一定对奴隶制还是这块土地上许多地方法律的时代记忆犹新。

6.Buchanan said the South had good reason to leave the Union if aboptionists continued their attacks against slavery.布肯南说,如果废奴主义者继续对奴隶制进行攻击的话,那么南方要脱离联邦就有很好的理由。

7.If it is wrong to enslave another, then God must be able to provide for those who follow him without resorting to slavery.如果奴役他人是错误的,神一定会供应那些遵行他的话不蓄奴的人劳力上的需要。

8.Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.我一听到有人讨论奴隶制,我就忍不住有一种很强的冲动,希望把奴隶制用在他的身上。

9.Senator John Clayton of Delaware proposed to the Senate that it name a special committee on the question of slavery in the new territories.特拉华州联邦参议员约翰.克莱顿建议参议院成立一个专门委员会,研究解决新领土上的奴隶制问题。

10.Settlers in both new territories would have the right to decide the question of slavery.两个辖区内的公民有权决定奴隶问题。