


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪtˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɡeɪtweɪ]



复数:gateways  同义词




1.大门口;门道;出入口an opening in a wall or fence that can be closed by a gate

They turned through the gateway on the left.他们穿过出入口向左转去。

2.[ususing]~ to/into…(通往其他地区的)门户a place through which you can go to reach another larger place

Perth, the gateway to Western Austrapa珀斯 — 通向西澳大利亚的门户

3.[ususing]~ to sth途径;方法;手段a means of getting or achieving sth

A good education is the gateway to success.良好的教育是通往成功之路。

4.网关;网间连接器a device that connects two computer networks that cannot be connected in any other way


n.1.an entrance that is opened and closed with a gate2.a place that allows you to reach or enter a larger place3.something that allows you to do or achieve something4.a way of connecting two computer networks so that information can pass between them5.a place on the Internet from which you can get information about something, and which can be guarded1.an entrance that is opened and closed with a gate2.a place that allows you to reach or enter a larger place3.something that allows you to do or achieve something4.a way of connecting two computer networks so that information can pass between them5.a place on the Internet from which you can get information about something, and which can be guarded

1.网关 change 更改现存路由 gateway 指定网关。 DOS 下恢复上5次注册表命令 ...


1.The Taj sits just a few hundred yards from the gateway, and we began to make our way there for the afternoon ceremony.泰姬酒店离印度门不过几百码远,我们回头走向酒店去参加下午的仪式。

2.When a communication path changes, nearby routers inform their neighbours through a system known as the border gateway protocol (BGP).当通信路径改变,附近的路由器会通过一个名为边界网关协议(bordergatewayprotocol,BGP)的系统告知邻近的路由器。

3.The gateway community also in just a year's time to become the top three in the community.门户通社区也在短短一年的时间成为了站长社区的前三强。

4.Non-repudiation is at least possible (though it would require custom code in the gateway) with this architecture.在此体系结构中,不可否认性至少是可能的(尽管需要在网关中自定义代码)。

5.In the network for an enterprise, a computer server acting as a gateway node is often also acting as a proxy server and a firewall server.在网络的企业,一台计算机服务器作为网关节点也往往是作为一个代理服务器和防火墙服务器。

6.A gateway acts as a proxy service, and you can use it to mediate protocols or to denote the interface available to a partition.一个网关充当一个代理服务,你可以使用它来协调协议或者表示一个划分上的可以利用的接口。

7.Gateway form using decision, fork, merge, and joins is often more readable for models that only model control flow.网关形式使用decision、fork、merge和join元素,对于只包含控制流的模型而言,此形式通常更易于理解。

8.square in north are the access gateway expression of a strong desire to pnk the building with the.相对于封闭的感觉中心庭院,阳台南入口和北广场的接入网关表达了强烈愿望联系起来,与建设。

9.This would be particularly problematic if the gateway were hosted by an ISP or other third party.如果网关是由ISP或其它第三方提供的,这个问题就会特别突出。

10.Knowing that fear was a gateway to the dark path, Tinte brought Quinlan his mother's Gaurdian emblem, worn at the time of the murder.汀苔了解到恐惧是通往黑暗面的途径,便把昆兰母亲遇害时佩带的守卫者纹章交给了他。