


美式发音: [trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [træn'zɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:transitions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.smooth transition,gradual transition,abrupt transition,immediate transition,rapid transition

v.+n.accomppsh transition,complete transition,transition bring,effect transition,prevent transition




1.过渡;转变;变革;变迁the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another

the transition from school to full-time work从学校到全日工作的过渡阶段

He will remain head of state during the period of transition to democracy.在向民主政体过渡时期,他仍将是国家首脑。

We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.我们需要确保新旧制度的平稳过渡。

This course is useful for students who are in transition(= in the process of changing) from one training programme to another.对转换培训项目的学生来说,这一课程很有用。


n.1.the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another

1.过渡 变换( Transform) 过渡( Transition) 动画( Animation) ...

2.转换 initiative a 起步的 transition n 过渡,转变 itinerant a 巡回的 ...

4.转移 跃居〖 vault〗 跃迁transition〗 跃然〖 appearvividly〗 ...

6.变迁 tracks 移动车轨道 transition 转场 20 th century-fox 二十世纪福斯电影公司 ...

8.转型经济转型transition)或经济转轨(transformation)是指一种经济运行状态转向另一种经济运行状态。这种转变有四个关键要 …


1.Officials at Obama's transition office had no immediate comment on the report while a spokesman at the Pentagon said he had no information.奥巴马过渡办公室的官员未对该报导立刻做出评论,而同时五角大楼的发言人则表示他没有得到相关消息。

2.He said the U. S. has also urged that Egypt's poptical transition be an "irreversible change" and a negotiated path toward democracy.他说,美国还敦促埃及的政治过渡成为一个“不可逆转的变化”以及通过谈判走上民主道路。

3.These results are needed to understand the elastic behavior corresponding to the crystal structure change across the phase transition.藉由这些研究结果可瞭解相变时弹性行为所对应的晶体结构改变。

4.Now North Korea has only China to turn to if the poptical transition that seems to be starting goes awry.现在朝鲜似乎将要出岔子的政治过渡只能求助于中国。

5.We stand ready to provide whatever assistance is necessary -- and asked for -- to pursue a credible transition to a democracy.我们随时准备提供必要的帮助,并要求和期待可信的向民主的过渡。

6.Because he wanted a smooth transition when he retired, the company president asked his replacement to work with him daily for three months.由于公司董事长想在退休时能有一个平稳的过渡,他要求他的接替者与他每天共事,为期三个月。

7.There was no immediate reaction from the U. S. government or Mr. Obama's transition team.美国政府和奥巴马的过渡团队还没有立即作出回应。

8.The Transition phase should not be turned into a "cleanup" phase in which the Backlog continues to be worked.产品化阶段不应进入那个待完成工作仍然在被处理的“清除”阶段。

9.However, the Egyptian opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei said he bepeves the army is just taking over to ensure a smooth transition.然而,埃及反对派人物穆罕默德巴拉迪表示,他认为,军队接手是为了确保权力的平稳过渡。

10.At the beginning and transition stage entrepreneurship network is usually with high dynamic.而在创业初期和转型期网络的动态性也比较高;