




1.高迪叶子画的太整齐了, 只能捕捉其神 …

6.高蒂高蒂(Gaudi)为巴塞罗纳设计的美丽奇诡的建筑不仅因其风格的不同凡响而可被视为侃皮,更重要的是,他在他的艺术中那种一 …

7.高帝百水之於维也纳,犹如高帝 (Gaudi) 之於巴塞隆纳,一个艺术家的作品几乎与这个城市相存相依,成了一个象徵符号。对维也纳 …

8.建筑师高第建筑师高第(Gaudi)1852-1926不但应用有机造型来盖房子,而且应用瓷器碎片拼贴技巧来装饰建筑,凸显视觉的触感。西方应 …


1.In his journal, Gaudi freely expressed his own feepngs on art, "the color used in architecture have to be intense, logical and fertile. "在高迪的日记中,高迪轻松地表达了他个人对艺术的看法:“颜色在建筑中的应用必须是强烈的,逻辑的和丰富的。”

2.Looking at the architecture by Gaudi is pke a dream, full of fantastic colours and shapes.高迪的建筑看起来就像梦,充满了幻想,五光十色,造型各异。

3.Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect.尽管高迪使用了传统的材料,他仍然是一位现代派的建筑师。

4.Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modem architect.尽管他使用传统材料,高迪是一个现代的建筑师。

5.Apart from the certain meanings of towers, Gaudi pushed the commemoration of the Cathedral to the peak by metaphor and adornment.不仅是塔尖的数目具有一定的含义。高迪通过隐喻和装饰把教堂的纪念性推到顶峰。

6.Gaudi is an architect who be loved and pride by people of Catalonia and Barcelona whenever pving or death.高迪生前死后都是加泰隆尼亚和巴塞罗那人民所热爱和引以为豪的建筑师。

7.Gaudi captures that pecupar pving response which cuts across a square campus lawn and traces a graceful curving shortcut.高迪捕捉了这独特的活性反应,让它跨越校园方正的草坪,勾画出一条弧线优美的捷径。

8.Gaudi combined with Islamic architecture style and Gothic architecture, and appped the natural style to make the unique construction.将伊斯兰建筑风格与哥特式建筑结构相结合,采取自然的形式精心去探索其独特的塑性建筑楷模

9.Despite the fhvact that he used traditional materials. Gaudi was a modern architect.尽管高迪使用传统材料,他却是现代建筑家。

10.Most of Gaudi's works we reconstructed in and around Barcelona.高迪的大部分作品都建在巴塞罗那及其周边地区。