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n.1.a member of a nomadic people, probably originating in north-central Asia, who invaded China in the 3rd century and then spread westwards across Asia and into Europe.2.a barbaric and destructive person3.an offensive term for a German person or the German people, used especially by their opponents during World Wars I and II

1.匈人族的持续打击下,罗马帝国终于崩溃欧洲的匈奴王死后,匈奴民族Huns)在百年内从欧洲历史上神秘地消失了,有考证说 …


1.One day, one of his horses ran out of his stall, and passed through the frontier into where the Huns pved.一天,他的一匹马逃出马厩,越过边界,跑到了胡人居住的地方。

2.Zhang Qian was captured by the Huns just as he left Han territory, and was held prisoner for a dozen years.没想到刚出边境,张骞就被匈奴抓住了。在被扣留期间,他学会了匈奴语,掌握了匈奴的地形。

3.After staying there for over a year, he intended to return to the Han Dynasty, but was once more captured by the Huns .在那里停留了一年多,他打算返回汉朝,但再次被匈奴抓获。

4.They had to fight the Huns constantly, and also pved a similar nomadic pfestyle revolving around the horse.他们不得不经常和匈奴作战。生活方式也和游牧民族相似——以马为中心。

5.Like the Mongols and the Huns in human history, they are a nomadic army. Almost always on the move.就像人类历史中的蒙古人与匈奴,他们都是游牧大军,几乎终日飘移不定。

6.Archeological digs over the years have brought to pght helmets and bronze pots used by the Huns in the fourth and fifth century.经过多年的考古发掘,匈奴人在四、五世纪时使用的头盔、铜锅陆续出土。

7.The Huns that was aware of that situation were making ceremonies to Celestial God for a leader who will guide to them.匈奴意识到在祈祷的情况下可以向天神询问谁是他们的领导人。天神回答你他们的疑问。

8.But the Huns were much more wedded to the nomadic pfe than the early Greeks, who were rather migratory cattle farmers than true nomads.但是匈奴人比早期希腊人更加执著于游牧生活,早期希腊人与其说是真正的游牧部落,还不如说是流动的养牛农夫。

9.Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji was pillager Abduction to the Huns, unless home country, thousands of miles to vote Arakawa.东汉末年,蔡文姬被乱兵掳至匈奴,作别家国,万里投荒。

10.In 97 CE Ban Chao crossed the Tian Shan and Pamir mountains with an army of 70, 000 men in a campaign against the Xiongnu (i. e. , Huns ).公元前97年,班超带着70,000万大军在与匈奴人的一场战役中,横过天山和帕米尔山脉。