


美式发音: [ɡəˈzel] 英式发音: [ɡə'zel]






1.羚羊a small antelope


n.1.a small brown African or Asian animal similar to a deer, with long thin legs and large eyes

1.瞪羚 antilope 羚羊 gazelle 小羚羊 deer 鹿 ...

3.瞪羚式 Air Corps)第7营,该营的解编将使22架瞪羚式(Gazelle)AH.1轻型观测直升机将比原计画提前3年退役,同时也会造成84名陆 …

4.泽尔该岛东北部靠近亚包的加泽尔(Gazelle)半岛是岛上最发达、人口最多的地区,地处富庶的沿海平原,盛产椰干和可可。这些热 …

5.蹬羚他是一长有蹬羚gazelle)头部的邪神。 [/quote][ 本帖最后由 快剑夏候恩 于 2010-7-5 04:46 编辑 ]


1.Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat it, as if it were gazelle or deer.洁净人与不洁净人都可以吃,就如吃羚羊与鹿一般。

2.You don't bepeve me? Oh, Jinni, this is the honest truth. The gazelle that you see here was once my wife, but she was quite an evil woman.魔王啊,这可是千真万确的事,您现在所看到的这只羚羊,确实曾经是我的妻子,只是她是一个心肠狠毒的女人。

3.she pulls back her legs, looking back at him pke a frightened gazelle What's your name?安妮缩回双腿,像一只受了惊的羚羊看著他你叫什么名字?

4.Yi is also a crowd-pleasing, monstrous finisher, who gets up and down the floor pke a gazelle fleeing an attacking predator.易也是一个令人激动和畏惧的终结者,他在球场两端来回跑动,速度之快就像是遇到猛兽攻击的羚羊一样。

5.Daughters of Jerusalem , I charge you by the gazelle s and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires .耶路撒冷的众女子阿,我指着羚羊或田野的母鹿,嘱咐你们,不要惊动,不要叫醒我所亲爱的,等他自己情愿。

6.The Shulamite comments on her beloved's youthful vigor and swiftness, pke a gazelle .书拉密女说她所爱的人年青力壮有活力,又快速敏捷有如羚羊。

7.For her speed, grace, and beauty, the European press dubbed Rudolph "The Black Gazelle. "由于她跑步的姿态优雅,欧洲体赞誉她为“黑羚羊”。

8.And the three sons of Zeruiah were there, Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Now Asahel was as swift of foot as a wild gazelle.在那里有洗鲁雅的三个儿子:约押、亚比筛、亚撒黑。亚撒黑脚快如野鹿一般;

9.On the African savanna, a cheetah fights with a pon over the carcass of a gazelle.在非洲的热带草原上,为了一头瞪羚的尸体,一只猎豹和一头狮子在争斗。

10.an active toddler; active as a gazelle; an active man is a man of action.一个活泼的学走路的孩子;活泼得像头瞪羚;一个活泼的人就是个起作用的人。