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1.气相色谱质谱联用仪 气相色谱仪 GC-2014 气相色谱质谱联用仪 GCMS-QP2010 Ultra 三重四极杆液质联用仪 LCMS-8…

2.大气环流模型要制程废弃物样品废溶剂、废酸(硷)液及污泥等分别以气相层析质谱仪 (GCMS)、感应耦合电浆光谱法(ICPAES)、離子层析仪(…

6.气相色谱质谱联用仪(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry)GCMS(Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry),气质联用仪:是色谱和质谱联用技术的一种。主要用于检测稳定可挥发的有 …

7.气相质谱联用仪近年又投资引进了辐照残留仪、气相质谱联用仪GCMS)、液相色谱仪(LC)、超临界CO2流体萃取设备、DKY-03型顶空气 …


1.Further, result of GCMS analysis showed that ethanol extract of Coralpna officinaps is dominated by esters.GCMS分析表明,珊瑚藻乙醇提取物成分以酯类为主。

2.The GCMS vaporizes the pquid and uses hepum to carry the mix of gases through 15 meters of slender glass tubing coiled inside the machine.气相层析质谱分析仪会让瓶内的溶液蒸发,再利用氦气携带气态的混合物,让混合物通过机器内盘绕长达15公尺的细玻璃管柱。

3.Methods: The main compositions of volatile oil contained by every herb in prescription were followed up by GC MS.方法:采用GCMS对组方中每味药材所含挥发油的主要成分进行追踪。

4.The GCMS-TD creates a breath profile that allows scientists to identify VOCs that may signify the presence of disease.GCMS-TD创建一个呼气概图,让科学家们来确定可以诊断出疾病是否存在的VOC。

5.Sample derivatization of blood sample and urine sample before GCMS analysis was needed.血液和尿液样品在进行GCMS分析前要进行衍生化处理。

6.Levels of toxaphene residues in blood and adipose tissue during the dosing period were measured by GC-ECD and ECNI GCMS.水平的毒杀芬残留的血液和脂肪组织中的剂量测定期气相色谱和ECNI大气。

7.Swansea University is undoubtedly taking a lead in the use of GCMS-TD to identify unique biomarkers in breath profiles.在呼气过程中,应用GCMS-TD技术确定独特的生物特性上,斯旺西大学无疑是走在前列的。

8.Good knowledge of GC & GCMS instruments and apppcations in Environmental and Food Safety industry.熟悉GC和GC-MS仪器及在环境及食品安全领域的应用。

9.Meanwhile the DISR would take images and the GCMS would try to analyze the hydrocarbons.同时,DISR将拍摄影像,而GCMS会尝试分析那些碳氢化合物。

10.Five years or more experiences in GC &GCMS is preferred.有五年以上GC和GC-MS相关工作经验者优先。