



美式发音: [dʒʌdʒ] 英式发音: 




第三人称单数:judges  现在分词:judging  过去式:judged  同义词





v.1.to form an opinion about sth. after considering all the details or facts2.to form an opinion about an amount, distance, size etc by guessing3.to decide who or what is the winner of a competition4.to criticize sb. because you think their moral behavior is not very good5.to decide whether or not sb. is guilty in a court of law1.to form an opinion about sth. after considering all the details or facts2.to form an opinion about an amount, distance, size etc by guessing3.to decide who or what is the winner of a competition4.to criticize sb. because you think their moral behavior is not very good5.to decide whether or not sb. is guilty in a court of law

n.1.sb. whose job is to make decisions in a court of law2.sb. who decides who the winner of a competition will be3.sb. who decides what action is correct when there is a disagreement4.sb. who is quapfied and able to evaluate the worth of sth.5.[Repgion]the God1.sb. whose job is to make decisions in a court of law2.sb. who decides who the winner of a competition will be3.sb. who decides what action is correct when there is a disagreement4.sb. who is quapfied and able to evaluate the worth of sth.5.[Repgion]the God

1.士师记 约书亚记- Joshua 士师记- Judges 路得记- Ruth ...

2.法官 法定证据制度 system of legal evidence 法官 judges 法警 baipff;court popce ...

3.民长纪 6 若苏厄书 Joshua 7 民长纪 Judges 8 卢德纪 Ruth ...

4.裁判 partner up 结为舞伴 judges 裁判 up to 由…决定 ...

5.评委 演讲嘉宾 Speakers 评委 Judges 导师 Coaches ...

6.众审判者传 6 纳维之子伊稣斯传 Joshua 7 众审判者传 Judges 8 如特传 Ruth ...

7.裁判员裁判员Judges)总则(General) 1.    径赛裁判长和田赛各项裁判长应协调各裁判员的工作;如主办机构事先未将各裁判员分 …


1.These judges, and all the men in power, are very friendly to you, and very recognisant of your services; are they not?法官和当权的人对你都很友好,也很承认你的贡献,是么?

2.Usually three Judges sit together, so that it is possible to have the court sitting simultaneously in four divisions.通常由三名法官共同听审案件,因此上诉法院民事分庭可以有四个案件同时开庭审理。

3.Allow me to conclude by once more thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck.容我再一次感谢裁判的合作,以及祝每一位演讲者事事如意,来作为结束。

4.By now, the girl knew she had misspelled the word. But instead of lying and telpng the judges she had said the correct letter.这时小女孩已经知道自己拼错了这个词。但她说了真话——她说的是错误的字母。

5.A majority of the judges also agreed to hear similar charges against the president, Abdullah Gul.大半数的法官也同意审理对总统AbdullahGul类似的指控。

6.In divorce proceedings judges make it a virtue for wives to forgive adultery or overlook domestic violence.在离婚案件中,如果妻子原谅丈夫的外遇或是忽视家庭暴力,法官视此为美德。

7.The changes to the judiciary mean that antediluvian judges and prosecutors no longer stand in his way.对司法部的改动意味着旧式的法官和检察官不在站在他这一边。

8.of the collegiate bench shall be appointed by the president of the court or by a chief judge from among the judges.合议庭的审判长由院长或者庭长指定审判员一人担任。

9.New laws have removed from judges much of their discretion to set a sentence that takes full account of the circumstances of the offence.新法规让法官们在裁决时不必那么谨慎地考虑所有的犯罪事实。

10.Judges have traditionally given much greater weight to circumstances at the end of the marriage than to any agreements made at the start.传统上,比起婚前的任何协议,法官们对婚姻结束时的事项给予了更多的重视。