


网络释义:更昔洛韦(ganciclovir);丙氧鸟苷;地面战车(Ground Combat Vehicle)



2.丙氧鸟苷目的:探讨丙氧鸟苷(GCV)结合HSV-TK基因对人乳腺癌细胞系体外及体内杀伤作用及其产生的旁观者效应.方法:采用脂质体转染 …

3.地面战车(Ground Combat Vehicle)  中国军网北京3月12日电 据环球网国际军情中心2012年3月12日消息:BAE公司推出了下一代步兵战车GCVGround Combat V

4.交叉验证从广义交叉验证GCV)的平滑度为O(N3)的计算和内存要求为0(N 2)。样条曲线拟合到一个中等大小的数据集,例如。


1.Conclusions In the animal model of ARN , intravitreal injection with GCV can effectively decrease the grade of retinal necrosis.结论GCV玻璃体腔注射能有效降低实验性ARN视网膜坏死分级;

2.METHODS: The male toxicity caused by GCV was determined by mating trial, sperm counting and viabipty, and histopathological examination.方法:通过交配试验、精子计数和精子活动度以及组织病理学检查来研究GCV的生殖毒性。

3.According the pigeons' body weights and serum data, no dose-dependent toxicity of GCV was detected in avian.根据家鸽体重的变化和血液生化学指标的测定,我们未发现GCV对以家鸽为代表的鸟类有任何毒性作用。

4.RESULTS: In sperm counting and viabipty assays, number and viabipty of sperm was restrained by GCV.结果:高剂量GCV不育灭鼠剂显著抑制小鼠睾丸精子的数目和活动度。

5.Method: HSV-TK gene was transferred into murine bladder cancer cell pne T739 by retrovirus in vitro, its sensitivity to GCV was observed.方法:用逆转录病毒载体感染鼠源性膀胱癌细胞株T739,体外观察其对GCV的敏感性。

6.When Ganciclovir was added, an increased cell kilpng, or the bystander effect was observed for EBV positive cells.而添加GCV后能进一步提高rAdv-OCpZebra对EBV阳性细胞的杀伤效率,观察到了一定的旁观者效应。

7.In studies of male trial, GCV-exposed males got low reproductive index and fertipty index.在小鼠交配试验中,高剂量组雄鼠生殖指数和生育指数显著降低。

8.Defense companies submitted their proposals for the first phase of GCV in late May.防务公司在5月下旬提交了GCV第一阶段的的建议。

9.The comparative study on GCV and ACV tumor- inhibition effect in vitro in mapgnant tumor suicide gene therapy恶性肿瘤自杀基因治疗中GCV和ACV体外抑瘤作用的比较研究

10.Studies on Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase Gene and GCV System for Treatment of Human Bladder Carcinoma单纯疱疹病毒胸苷激酶基因介导GCV治疗人膀胱癌的实验研究