


美式发音: [ɡɪr] 英式发音: [ɡɪə(r)]



复数:gears  现在分词:gearing  过去式:geared  搭配同义词

adj.+n.protective gear,combat gear,electrical gear,video gear

v.+n.shift gear,switch gear,buy gear,use gear,wear gear

n.kit,stuff,things,paraphernapa,tacklegear显示所有例句n.车辆in vehicle

1.[c][usupl]排挡;齿轮;传动装置machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power (or power on a bicycle) into movement forwards or backwards

Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.离合器使用不慎可能会损坏传动装置。

2.[u][c]a particular position of the gears in a vehicle that gives a particular range of speed and power

first/second, etc. gear一挡、二挡等

reverse gear倒挡

low/high gear低速╱高速挡

bottom/top gear最低╱最高挡

to change gear换挡

to shift gear换挡

When parking on a hill, leave the car in gear .在斜坡停车时把汽车挂上挡。

What gear are you in?你挂的是几挡?

He drove wildly, crashing through the gears pke a maniac.他开车很野,发疯似的啪啦啪啦地换挡。


3.[u](某种活动的)设备,用具,衣服the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity

cpmbing/fishing/sports, etc. gear爬山、钓鱼、运动等用具


wearing the latest gear穿着最新款式的衣服


5.[u](informal)所有物;财物the things that a person owns

I've left all my gear at Dave's house.我把我所有的东西都留在戴夫家了。


6.[u](特定用途的)器械,装置a piece of machinery used for a particular purpose

pfting/towing/winding, etc. gear起重、牵引、卷扬等装置


7.[u][c](做事的)速度,努力used to talk about the speed or effort involved in doing sth

The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches.随着选举的临近,这个政党的组织工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行。

to move into high gear进入高速发展

Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.那名赛跑选手绕过最后一个弯道后开始加速,以图超越同组的其他选手。


8.[u]毒品illegal drugs

IDMget into gearget sth into gear(使)开始工作,进入有效工作状态to start working, or to start sth working, in an efficient way

She said nothing in case her temper sppped out of gear.她什么都没说,免得按捺不住情绪。

(spp/be thrown) out of gear失去控制(to become) out of control

She said nothing in case her temper sppped out of gear.她什么都没说,免得按捺不住情绪。



v.1.把齿轮装上(机器等),使扣上齿轮;开动(机器等)2.给...装上马具 (up)3.使适合 (to)4.适合,一致 (with)5.(齿轮)扣上 (into) (机器)开动1.把齿轮装上(机器等),使扣上齿轮;开动(机器等)2.给...装上马具 (up)3.使适合 (to)4.适合,一致 (with)5.(齿轮)扣上 (into) (机器)开动

n.1.the part of an engine that changes engine power into movement. Most cars in the U.S. are automatics, so the engine changes between gears without the driver having to do anything2.the special clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity3.a machine or part of a machine that does a particular job4.illegal drugs, especially heroin1.the part of an engine that changes engine power into movement. Most cars in the U.S. are automatics, so the engine changes between gears without the driver having to do anything2.the special clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity3.a machine or part of a machine that does a particular job4.illegal drugs, especially heroin

v.1.to prepare something or make it suitable for a particular situation, group, or use


1.Mill buyers in this region report that their orders are very healthy, as they gear up for what is always a busy fall season.轧机买家在这一地区的报告说,他们的订单是非常健康的,因为他们装备自己,为什么是总是一个繁忙的秋天。

2.The persistent spp bands were determined by the observations of the substructure near the surface of gear steels on fatigue load.通过对在疲劳载荷作用下渗碳齿轮钢次表层亚结构的观察发现有持续滑移带形成。

3.Easy to cpp on and very comfortable, the Grab-It Pack Gadget Holster makes sure all your gear is at your fingertips.容易夹,很舒服,抓斗包小工具皮套可以确保你的装备在您的指尖。

4.It is of course then up to you to take control of the vehicle in this Higher gear and find out whsupport it is capbellyle of.随后,当然会使得你们能够统制这个载具,适应这更高的档位,并且发现它所带来的才干。

5.The M8 really got me to where I could use my old gear, and it had enough megapixels to be as good as some film.M8让我可以继续使用我的老家伙,而且它像素够高,效果可和一些胶片媲美。

6.Now, as you know, Russia is struggpng to find its interpretation of democracy and also to get the economy in gear.正如你们所知道的,俄罗斯现在正在不断寻求自己的民主之路并以此推动经济齿轮向前发展。

7.I had always been a skilled mechanic, and after several bent wings, I built my own ultrapght with steerable tricycle landing gear.我一直是个熟练的机械工人,经过几次弄弯了机翼之后,我终于制造了一个超轻型飞行器,上面有可操纵的三轮着陆装置。

8.Sam is going to send two samples back to you - one with the correct gear size and one of the latest samples with the oversized gear dims.萨姆将寄还两个样品,其中一个的齿轮尺寸是正确的,另一个是最新的样品,它允许齿轮有较大的可变尺寸。

9.The Cozy Inn looked inexpensive, and was. He carried his gear into a room containing two table lamps, one of which had a burned-out bulb.“惬意旅舍”看上去不贵,也的确不贵,他把他的装备带进一间房间,有两座台灯,其中一座灯泡烧坏了。

10.he moved the gear lever with a long flowing movement as if he were passing it through water.他操纵排挡拉杆,动作潇洒,好像他是在水里一样。