




1.沙拉克沙拉克 沙拉克(Sarlacc)是一种具有着非凡生命力的杂食性异种节肢生物,它们只在极少数星球被发现,塔图因就是其中之一。 …

2.克等人丢下去喂砂虫13.贾霸要把路克等人丢下去喂砂虫(Sarlacc)14.但路克早有安排,原来蓝多卡瑞辛(Lando Calrissian)早已化妆成囚艇卫士之一

3.沙獭这是贾霸的「流沙之刑」,这住在沙坑中的怪物就是「沙獭」( Sarlacc )。我本来看到电影翻译,还以为是甚麽像海獭的动物住 …

4.沙罗蛇渣霸最后被莉亚公主所杀,保巴?菲特被沙漠中的沙罗蛇sarlacc)吞食,但他最终引爆背负的喷射器才得以脱身,其后被另一 …


1.Out in Tatooine's Dune Sea, lying at the base of the Great Pit of Carkoon, rests a gruesome creature known as the Sarlacc.在塔图因的沙丘之海深处,一个叫做沙拉克的可怕生物栖息在卡孔大坑底部。

2.The fanciful tale of a "thousand year" torment inside the Sarlacc's digestive system may be more fact than fiction, however.然而,跟虚构相比,在沙拉克消化系统中经受“千年”折磨的奇谈怪论也许更像事实。

3.Fett's armor and body were extremely battered by his ordeal in the Sarlacc.在沙拉克中的煎熬使费特的盔甲和身躯都饱受摧残。

4.The airborne Fett slammed into the side of Jabba's sail barge before tumbpng into the Sarlacc's mouth.费特撞在了贾巴的风帆游艇船舷上,然后跌跌撞撞地滚进沙拉克口中。

5.The tale ends with Fett tumbpng into the Sarlacc again, though it was definitely not his last appearance.故事结束于费特再次滚入沙拉克,不过这显然不是他的谢幕演出。

6.The Sarlacc was a favorite creature of the loathsome Jabba the Hutt.沙拉克是令人恶心的赫特人贾巴最喜欢的生物。

7.Because of its isolation, the Sarlacc rarely feeds, as it must rely on animals that stumble into the pit.由于与世隔绝,必须依靠无意中落入坑内的动物生存,因此沙拉克很少进食。