



美式发音: [ɡiːk] 英式发音: [ɡiːk]






n.1.<informal>any unsociable person obsessively devoted to a particular pursuit2.<slang>a carnival performer whose act consists of outrageous feats such as biting the heads off pve animals, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.极客中一段被 人们广为引用的文字是:“云的崛起不仅仅使技客们 ( Geeks)得到又一个兴奋的平台。它无疑将改变信 息技术产业,也 …

7.怪胎因此即使是电脑怪胎geeks )应该也要具体地想一下〔怎麽打发时间〕。为了确定他们不必为了这个〔原因〕而离开他们深 …


1.The geeks I wanted to understand were the ones who were doing what they wanted to do, not where their job or money had taken them.我希望看见geeks做着他们自己想做的事,而不是因为工作或金钱使他们不得不做。

2.Mr Gray was as big a celebrity among computer geeks as Mr Fossett is among thrill-seekers, and the story played out in the same way.正如佛赛特先生一样,格雷先生是计算机领域首屈一指的名人。这起事件以相同的方式处理。

3.We think geeks will appreciate the power of being able to start a fire with such a simple tool.我们认为爱好者将欣赏,能够与这样一个简单的工具的启动消防的权力。

4.Finally, I'll be able to get away from all you nerdy tech geeks and hang-out with real men!我终于能摆脱你们这些乏味的科技怪才,跟真正的人相处了!

5.Computer geeks being what they are, the term is often used as a verb: "That machine won't even POST, so we should swap the memory. "计算机对于自己是相当幽默的,这个术语通常会被当作动词来使用:“这台机器根本通不过POST测试,因此我们应该更换内存”。

6.In its story and its execution, TRON: Legacy is the sort of film that tech geeks yearn to see.在故事和表演技巧上,《创:战纪》是技术控很想去看的那种电影。

7.He said he was sometimes recognised on the street, but mostly by "geeks and wonks" .他表示,有时候走在路上,会有人认出他,但大多都是些“极客和书呆子”。

8.One of the sketchy ideas I had at the beginning of all of this was a sort of "Seven Habits of Super Effective Geeks" .我当初创立该网站的主要想法之一是有一群“有着七种习惯的并且超级有效率的Geeks”。

9.He offers this as a special case of the idea that geeks seem to be able to find each other across national, language and cultural barriers.他提出了这个特例是想说黑客似乎能够彼此跨越国家、语言和文化障碍。

10.Recalpng the days of tweaking, Mac geeks come out with killer Terminal tweaks, some are very useful, some are plain amazing.回顾这两天的优化,Mac极客都拿出了杀手级的终极优化方案,一些有用的,一些是纯惊人的。