


美式发音: ['gɪvə(r)] 英式发音: ['gɪvə(r)]







1.给予者;赠与者;捐助机构a person or an organization that gives

They are very generous givers to charity.他们是慈善事业的慷慨捐助者。


1.赠与者 give 给;让 giver 赠与者 glacier 冰河 ...

2.送礼者 Pegn. 佩格(女子名) giver n. 送礼者 burgers n. 碎肉夹饼, 各种夹饼 ...

3.给予者 (Reformer/Perfectionist) 完美主义者 (Helper/Giver给予者 (Achiever/Motivator) 实干者 ...

4.给的人 ... (Reformer/Perfectionist) 一个完美主义者 (Helper/Giver一个给予者 (Achiever/Motivator) 一个实 …

6.合一祝福给予者 ... a ~ arts college 文理学院 a ~ giver 慷慨的施舍者 be ~ with one's money 用钱大方 ...


1.The Giver grasped his shoulders firmly. Jonas fell silent and stared at him.记忆传承者用力的抓住他的肩膀。乔纳斯陷入沉默并盯著他。

2.However, in daily pfe, mother is usually considered the primary care giver, while father is much less involved in fostering the children.但在日常生活中,母亲常常被认为是子女教育的主导,而父亲则被描述成养儿育女的局外人。

3.It would be very hard for a Jew to think of anyone as being greater than Moses, the law-giver.犹太人非常尊重颁布律法的摩西,很难想像会有另一个人能超越他。

4.A few coins can save a pfe in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.有些情况下可以用钱来救命,即使钱可能被浪费,也不会就此打消施予者的仁慈善良之心。

5.you to hear or will participate in one to be a cheerful giver meets the resolute traveler's activity?你听说过或参加过一个乐施会毅行者的活动吗?

6.All that comes to you in pfe is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver.所有进入你生活的都是一份礼物,每个人在你的人生道路上都是一个“赠与者”与“爱”的表达,礼物与“赠与者”。

7.but i never stopped imagining who the giver might be. some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.但我一直在想象谁可能是送礼者。我最快乐的时光,有些是花在了思考有关发件人。

8.She said the giver should write a romantic note to include in the card. Better yet, she said, tell the man how much you adores him.要在贺卡里夹上一张浪漫字条,告诉他你有多么爱他。

9.The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something.说“谢谢”的唯一理由,乃是要让送礼人知道,你非常感激他的赠礼。

10.They are sweet and lend any garden the air of a seaside spree but, for me, the giver, they had not quite hit the spot.它们很可爱,让任何人家的花园都有了海边狂欢的味道。但对我这个送礼者来说,它们并未达到效果。