


美式发音: [ˈɡiʃə] 英式发音: ['ɡeɪʃə]






1.艺伎(陪男子聊天、表演歌舞的日本女子)a Japanese woman who is trained to entertain men with conversation, dancing and singing


n.1.a Japanese woman whose job is to entertain men by singing, dancing, playing music, and making conversation

1.艺妓 Bourbon 波邦 布邦 波本 Geisha 瑰夏 艺妓 Mundo Novo 新世界 蒙多诺渥 ...

5.艺者 lend v. 借给, 贷(款) geisha n. <日> 艺妓, 歌妓 sunshine n. 阳光 ...


1.Becoming a geisha is now entirely voluntary, and women who are not the children of geisha can now become geisha.如今,想成为艺妓完全是凭自愿原则,而那些非科班从小入行的女性也能成为一名艺妓。

2.The only major role men play in geisha society is that of guest, though women sometimes take that role as well.男人们在其间扮演着他们最主要的角色——客人,虽然妇女有时也充当这一角色。

3.at a time when few true geisha were able to work the counterfeit geisha usurped the meaning of the word in the eyes of many foreigners.而此时没有真正的艺妓服务,假冒的艺妓玷污了在许多外国人眼中的这个词的含义。

4.Holywood's Golden Globe Awards seem to be going Asian this year. as filmmaker " Memoirs Of A Geisha" s Ziyi Zhang.荷里活金球奖今年花落亚洲,《艺妓回忆录》的中国演员张子怡得奖了。下为自述。

5.A woman above 21 is considered too old to be a maiko and becomes a full geisha upon her initiation into the geisha community.如果是21岁以上的女人,做舞妓就太老了,所以一开始就可以做艺妓。

6.The appeal of a high-ranking geisha to her typical male guest has historically been very different from that of his wife.男顾客对于高级艺妓的垂青和对其妻子的眷顾是不同的,历来便是如此。

7.Perhaps the survival of geisha culture reflects the fact that Japan is still a fine country for feuding old men.艺伎文化的保存大概反映了一个事实:日本的权力中心仍旧以老年男性为主。

8.The word 'geisha' itself, of course, doesn't mean prostitute at all, that means artistic person.“艺伎”字的本身,当然,并不意味着妓女,这意味着艺术的人。

9.To a man, geisha can only be a half wife, we are the wives not in pghtful, and yet to learn of kindness after so mush unkindness.对一个男人来说,艺伎只能作为半个妻子,我们是黑暗中的妻子,而且在遭遇许多不善之后还要学习去善待。

10.There is no doubt that coerced sex and bidding on a new geisha's virginity occurred in the period before WWII. . .毫无疑问,性暴力和一个新的艺妓的贞操的保留是在二战前的问题。