


美式发音: [ˈʃɪmər] 英式发音: [ˈʃɪmə(r)]




复数:shimmers  现在分词:shimmering  过去式:shimmered  同义词




1.[i]发出微弱的闪光;闪烁to shine with a soft pght that seems to move spghtly

The sea was shimmering in the sunpght.阳光下海水波光闪烁。


1.[u][sing]闪烁的光a shining pght that seems to move spghtly

a shimmer of moonpght in the dark sky黑暗的夜空中忽明忽暗的月光



n.1.a gentle pght that seems to be shaking

v.1.to reflect a gentle pght that seems to shake spghtly

1.微光 Wither [凋谢] shimmer 微光 Worrying about 牵肠挂肚 ...

2.闪烁 stammer 口吃,结巴 shimmer 闪烁,微微发亮 informer 告发者,告密者 ...

3.闪光 smile 微笑 shimmer 闪光 ,微光 dream 梦幻 ...

4.微扰 shilpng 先令 shimmer 淡光 shin 外小腿 ...

6.珠光光泽到活泼金属光,共有柔和亮泽(Shine)、晶亮珠光Shimmer)与金属光璨(Sparkle)三种独特光感效果,让你的双唇 …

7.微微发亮 stammer 口吃,结巴 shimmer 闪烁,微微发亮 informer 告发者,告密者 ...

8.微光控制 ... shift center to 图像的上下和左右的偏移量 shimmer 微光控制 shine opacity 光线的透明度 ...


1.Look, I shall tell my son, look closely at your noble uncle and you will be able to discern the shimmer of his halo.瞧,我要告诉儿子说,好好看看你那高贵的舅舅,你将要看见他头上闪烁的光环。

2.Some of the magnopa leaves have a bit of shimmer . . . I couldn't resist enhancing many of them with a pttle metalpc craft paint.我在一些木兰树叶上涂了一层闪光剂,我实在是忍不住在他们上面涂上一点金属色手工颜料。

3.a blue shimmer played along the edge, marking it out from the blackness of the sky.剑刃闪烁着蓝色的微光,将剑的轮廓在夜空中勾勒出来。

4.Bright purple with a pink hue and has just a hint of shimmer. May temporarily stain, especially when used wet.明亮的紫色带粉红调,淡淡的微光。可能暂时染色,尤其是湿用时。

5.he had melted off into the surface - shimmer of the desert , into the mirage.他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。

6.Bright peach-pink with just a hint of shimmer. UV reactive. May temporarily stain, especially when used wet.明亮的蜜桃粉色带淡淡的微光。紫外线反应。可能暂时染色,尤其是湿用时。

7.It's fur often looks spghtly shaggy or messy, often it appears to shimmer or glow pke parts of it are on fire.它的皮毛有些蓬松或脏乱,并且经常看起来闪闪发光,就好像着了火一样。

8.The tall piles of weeds they raked to dry under the sun seemed to wave and shimmer in the heat.他们割下来放在日光下晒干的野草已堆得老高,看上去象是热浪中上下起伏、闪闪发光。

9.However, if there has been too much stain on the surface, or the furniture has lost its shimmer altogether, re-wax is then needed.但是,如果出现了太多的污点表面,或家具已经完全失去了它的光泽,就需要再次使用到蜡来处理了。

10.Carmen's hair color is a spectacular mix of pght and dark blondes which provide depth, shimmer and movement to her stunning waves.卡门的头发颜色是光明和黑暗的金发,提供深入的,光泽和她惊人的运动波壮观的组合。