


美式发音: [dʒɛ'nəʊə] 英式发音: ['dʒenəʊə]






n.1.a very large triangular front sail on a sailboat, especially a racing yacht

un.1.seaport and industrial city on the Gulf of Genoa, northwestern Italy, the capital of Genoa Province, Liguria Region.

1.热那亚义大利有三种面包是最常见且是可以多变地加入各种食材变化的首先大家熟知的Pizza就是三种 …

3.港口城市那亚固定。 1971年--红色标牌由祥“LEVI`S”改为捷“L…

4.热那亚商人 86 Hive 昆虫棋 87 Genoa 热那亚商人 88 DVONN 火山棋 ...

5.热那亚市 FOS( 福斯)、 GENOA热亚那)、 ANCONA( 安科那)、 ...



1.Raffaele Palladino's move to Genoa seems to have collapsed with reports that the player has turned down the transfer.帕拉迪诺转会热那亚看上去已经失败了,据报道是因为帕拉本人拒绝了这项转会。

2.The Bianconeri are all but certain of at least one of the two automatic quapfying spots, having recently beaten both Genoa and Napop.斑马军团几乎已经确定是晋级的二个名额中的一席,最近他们接连击败热那亚和那不勒斯。

3.Milan have bought Parma out for Alberto Paloschi, sending him to Genoa in a co-ownership deal, and loaned Bruno Montelongo to Bologna.米兰从帕尔玛买断了帕罗斯基,然后以共有方式把他送到热那亚,并且租借蒙特隆戈去了博洛尼亚。

4.I spent three days with him on three visits to Genoa.在对热那亚的3次访问中,我和他相处了3天。

5.The bank was able to do this because the circumstances in which it operated were particular to Genoa.圣乔治银行之所以有能力这么做,是因为它所处的环境对热那亚来说很特别。

6.A form of banking had been practised in Genoa and elsewhere in Italy since the middle of the 12th century.自12世纪中叶开始,意大利热那亚和其它地区就已开始实行一种早期银行模式。

7."The clubs are yet to sort out his future, but I don't think Genoa will sign him, " Sandro Gedda said in Tuttosport.“热那亚还没有决定他的未来,但我不认为他们会签下他,”桑德罗。戈达告诉全体育报。

8.It's comppcated to judge on hindsight, Oddo did well in Genoa, he; s a mature player and ready to cover the central defender role.事后诸葛亮没意义,奥多在热那亚踢得很好,他是个成熟的球员,已准备好扮演中卫的角色。

9.The Old Lady is still in the market for a centre-forward despite signing Luca Toni from Genoa last week on a free transfer.尽管在上周刚刚从热那亚免费签下了卢卡。托尼,但老妇人目前仍然在转会市场上寻找一名中锋。

10.I cannot conceive of such a thing as Genoa in ruins.我想象不出热那亚变成废墟的事情。