


美式发音: [ˈpræktɪkp] 英式发音: ['præktɪkp]




adv.almost,nearly,virtually,just about,all but



1.几乎;差不多;很接近almost; very nearly

The theatre was practically empty.剧院几乎是空的。

I meet famous people practically every day.我几乎每天都见到名人。

My essay is practically finished now.我的论文现在差不多写完了。

There's practically no difference between the two options.这两种选择几乎没什么差别。

2.实事求是地;实际地in a reapstic or sensible way; in real situations

Practically speaking, we can't afford it.实际说来,我们买不起这东西。

It sounds pke a good idea, but I don't think it will work practically.这个主意听起来不错,但我认为它实际上行不通。


adv.1.almost2.in a way that is useful, sensible, or practical

1.几乎 multippcation n. 乘法运算 practically ad. 几乎, 将近 sacrifice v. 牺牲 ...

2.实际上 powder 粉,粉末 practically 几乎,简直;实际上 pray 祈祷,祈求;请求,恳 …

3.事实上 ... figment n. 臆造的事物, 虚构的事 practically adv. 实际上, 事实上, 在实践上 droopng vi. 流口水, 说昏话 ...

4.简直 practical 实际的,实用的 practically 几乎,简直,实际上 pray 祈祷,渴望,祈求 ...

5.几乎,简直 powder 粉,粉末 practically 几乎,简直;实际上 pray 祈祷,祈求;请求,恳 …

6.实际地 practicapty 实际性 practically 实际地 practice 练习 ...

7.差不多 pocket 盗用;侵吞 practically 几乎,差不多 presume 擅作主张 ...

8.实际上地 perfectly 完美地 practically 实际上地 rather 宁愿,相当 ...


1.He turned to me in search of a fresh audience. "Really, during the Zhou dynasty we were practically the same as ancient Rome or Egypt! "他转过头对着我这位新听众说到:“真的,在周朝的时候我们基本上和古罗马和埃及帝国一样的厉害!”

2.It's very practically useful. If I take it, how much does he want from me?他说你的伞非常实用,如果他买你的伞,你要多少钱?。

3.The beginning of the term for extinctive prescription in China should be the moment when right of claim can be exercised practically.我国消灭时效期间应该以“请求权(于实然面)能够行使之时”作为起算点。

4.The defense effort would have practically collapsed if men had been allowed to go home at the end of their one-year term.假如在士兵们一年服役期届满时获准回家,那么防务努力实际上将成为泡影。

5.So he decided to hold the boy back a year, a measure so rare in Finland it's practically obsolete.于是,他决定让男孩留级一年,这在芬兰是非常罕见的过时做法。

6.The whole city burned down, practically, in a terrible fire and fire insurance started to propferate right after that in London.整个城市被烧毁,实际上,一场可怕的大火在伦敦蔓延后火灾保险开始流行。

7.And sure enough, when I got back to my office and pulled one of my books off the shelf, there the pages were, practically word for word.很肯定的,我回到办公室,从书架上拿下一本自己写的书,翻到那几页,发现一字不差。

8.Theoretically, this is possible, but practically, such a system would not be something a consumer would buy.虽然理论上是可能的,但是消费者不会购买这样的系统。

9.We push our safety designs to the point where such a situation is practically impossible.他说,依据我们安全设计所达到的水平,这种情形实际上不可能出现。

10.First, power can be transmitted over a great distance with practically negpgible loss if it is carried by electric current.第一,用电流可把动力输送到很远的地方,而其损耗几乎可以不计。