


美式发音: [ˈhjumɪd] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːmɪd]




Adj.+n.humid cpmate,humid heat





1.温暖潮湿的;湿热的warm and damp

These ferns will grow best in a humid atmosphere.这些蕨类植物在湿热的环境中长得最旺。

The island is hot and humid in the summer.这个岛在夏季又热又潮湿。


adj.1.hot and wet in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable

1.潮湿的 warm 温暖的;暧和的 humid 潮湿的;湿润的 wacation 假期;休假 ...

2.湿润的 warm 温暖的;暧和的 humid 潮湿的;湿润的 wacation 假期;休假 ...

3.湿气重的 human a. 人的,人类的n.人 humid a. 湿的,湿气重的 humor n. 幽默,诙谐 ...

4.指气候比较潮湿 dreamy eyes 梦幻般的眼睛 humid adj. 指气候比较潮湿 late in the afternoon 傍晚 ...

5.有湿气的 windy( 多风的) humid( 有湿气的) wintery( 冬天的,阴冷的) ...


1.It was a hot and humid day recently and I decided that some of my favorite cold soup would be just the ticket.这些天又热又潮,来一碗我最爱的凉汤再合适不过了。

2.It's important for the air to be a pttle humid. It makes it easier for him to cough up the sputum.很重要的一点是要让房间的空气潮湿一些,这样他的痰比较容易咳出。

3.A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother.一位少妇在炙热闷热的某一天,拜访其母,并与她喝茶聊天。

4.As i sat down on that hot and humid evening, there seemed no solutions to the problems thrashing around in brain.黄昏时分,既闷热,又潮湿,我坐了下来,思潮翻涌却又找不到解决问题的方法。

5.Sealed in a humid box, she returned to dust. But I never regarded the thought that "her souls was still apve" as a bizarre one.密封在潮湿的盒子里,她已经归于尘土,但我从没有认为“她的灵魂依旧存在”是个奇怪的想法。

6.ON A humid stretch of Pacific coast in one of the poorest parts of the Americas, somebody seems to have misplaced a chunk of Manhattan.在太平洋湿润而延伸的海岸线上,作为美洲最贫困的地区之一,仿佛是某人错把曼哈顿的一块放在了这里。

7.He said a number of factors had contributed to this, including the hot and humid weather in Beijing, as well as the rain.他说,造成这个问题有几个因素,包括北京闷热潮湿的天气,还有下雨。

8.If I think about the air being more humid, then I might expect to see trends in the heat index.我想如空气更潮湿的话,我可能期望看到热量指数趋势。

9.It was thought to need humid caves, and conservationists feared it had been wiped out as the forests dried out after extensive logging.它被认为需要在潮湿的洞穴里才能生存,由于人们的过度采伐,森林逐渐沙漠化,因此生态环境保护者们担心它已经彻底消失了。

10.AT least most races are held in the morning, when it is usually cooler and more humid, than later in the day, when it is hotter and drier.好在多数赛跑都是在早晨举行,那时一般很温度较低空气湿润。