


美式发音: [dʒenz] 英式发音: [dʒenz]



网络释义:云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore);宗族;古罗马氏族




1.[u](informal)~ (on sth)消息;情报;资料information



n.1.in ancient Rome, a group of aristocratic famipes with the same name, descended from a common ancestor on the male side2.a clan, especially one that traces its descent on the male side

1.氏族 genovariation 基因变异 gens 氏族 gentle 高贵的 ...

2.云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore) nutrition 营养, 营养学 ... gens 氏族, 宗族, 部落... sargasso 马尾藻... ...

4.古罗马氏族 (biological) 亲生的 gens1. 古罗马(父系的)氏族 serenity1. 晴朗,明朗,清澈 ...

5.一族 一旁 aside 一族 gens 一旦 boarding ...

6.氏族或部落men或nomengentipum(朱利)确定了氏族或部落(gens) 通常是由若干个家庭共用这个名称. 该cognomen(239)指定特定家庭内g…


1.In the very great majority of cases the institution of the gens seems to have originated directly out of the punaluan family.看来,氏族制度,在绝大多数情况下,都是从普那路亚家庭中直接发生的。

2.for since marriage was prohibited within the gens, there had to be at least two gentes in any tribe to enable it to exist independently.因为在氏族内部禁止通婚的情况下,每个部落必须至少包括两个氏族才能独立存在。

3.In primitive times the gens had always owned common land , ever since the tribal land began to be divided up.这在原始时代,从部落土地开始实行分配的时候起,始终是存在的。

4.It was the instrument of government as well as the supreme authority over the gens , the tribe, and the confederacy .它是处理政治事物的机构,又是统驭氏族,部落和部落联盟的最高权力机构。

5.Get onpne when shopping gens is buying goods, make a bit hesitant, ask oneself more a few " need really? "上网购物一族可以在购买商品时,稍作迟疑,多问自己几句“是不是真的需要?”

6.If they accomppshed the deed it was no ground of complaint by any member of the gens of the victim.倘若他们完成了这一报仇行为,被报仇一方的氏族中任何成员不得有任何理由为此愤愤不平。

7.the hawk gens of the senecas were reduced to a small number of persons , and its extinction became imminent.塞内卡斯的鹰氏族人口减到了为数很少的程度,绝灭之祸眼见就要到来。

8.There is no sense in this rule unless a woman may not marry a member of her own gens.这一惯例只有在女子不能和同氏族人结婚的前提下才有意义。

9.When the idea of a gens was developed , it would naturally have taken the form of gens in pairs .当氏族观念日益发展时很自然地就会出现成双配对的氏族。

10.The first part is be about to the student gens of obtain employment, face-pfting is considered as the slabstone of their happiness future.第一部分是即将就业的学生一族,整容被认为是他们美好前途的铺路石。