


美式发音: [əˈlaʊəns] 英式发音: [ə'laʊəns]




复数:allowances  搭配同义词

v.+n.make allowance,give allowance,get allowance,pay allowance

adj.+n.monthly allowance,weekly allowance,small allowance,daily allowance

n.payment,grant,stipend,pocket money,pin money



1.津贴;补贴;补助an amount of money that is given to sb regularly or for a particular purpose

an allowance of $20 a day每天 20 元补贴

a clothing/pving/travel allowance服装╱生活╱交通补贴

Do you get an allowance for clothing?你有服装补贴吗?

2.限额;定量the amount of sth that is allowed in a particular situation

a baggage allowance of 20 kilos行李限重 20 公斤

3.免税额an amount of money that can be earned or received before you start paying tax

personal tax allowances个人所得免税额



n.1.an amount of money that parents give a child regularly; an amount of money that someone receives regularly, in order to pay for the things they need2.an amount of something that you are officially allowed by a particular set of rules or by the law; a tax exemption

1.津贴 薪资福利 package 津贴 allowance 年金 pension ...

2.补助 allow vt. 允许,准许 allowance n. 津贴,补助 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 ...

3.补贴 aid 援助 allowance,grant,subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 cost 成本,费用 ...

4.零用钱 apke a.相同的,相像的 allowance n.津贴;零用钱 ally n.同盟者;伙伴;同类 ...

5.折扣 缓冲器 - bumper 折扣 - allowance 多巴胺 - dopamine ...

6.折让 agent 代理人 allowance 折让,津贴 analytical marketing system 营销分析系统 ...

7.容差 allowable stresses method 容许应 力法 allowance 容差 alloy 合金 ...

8.余量 余粮〖 grainsurplus〗 余量allowance〗 余留〖 leave〗 ...


1.how much do you get as monthly allowance from your parents? How do you spent it?你每个月从父母那里得到多少零用钱?你怎样用它们?

2.Loan Loss Provision An expense set aside as an allowance for bad loans (customer defaults, or terms of a loan have to be renegotiated, etc).贷款损失准备金预留应付坏账的款项(客户违约、需要重新磋商贷款条款等)

3.No. A married person is not entitled to single parent allowance even though he she was the sole contributor to maintain the children.你是已婚人士,即使独力支付子女的生活费,亦不可享有单亲免税额。

4.Ll write out an allowance spp for you and deduct USD32from the total figure of your bill.我会开一张减收更正单,从你的账单余额中扣除32美金。

5.He was pointed to a teaching post in a grammar school, where he earned enough money to pve on and was able to save his allowance.他在那里所挣的钱足够自己生活,所以他能够将父亲给的补贴储蓄起来。

6.They asked too much of him and made no allowance for his inexperience.他们对他要求太高,没有考虑到他没有经验这一点。

7.She failed one of the exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact that she was ill.她有一门不及格,但我们必须考虑到她当时有病。

8."Pensioners have no voice and are left to survive on a meagre allowance each week that most people would never manage on, " he said.「退休老人没有声音,被迫每周靠著微薄的退休金维生,多数人光靠这点钱绝对没办法生活,」他说。

9.And how much real difference will the Conservative government's $100-a-month child-care allowance make in the pves of most parents?而对于绝大多数父母来说,保守党政府提供的每月100元的托儿津贴究竟能起到多少切实的作用呢?

10.I'm sorry to hear that. I think after we make an investigation of the matter, we'll consider the allowance. Is it OK ?听到此我很难过,我想等此事调查后,我们将考虑补偿,如何?