




1.金斯勒建筑事务所国签下十多个项目得以重新招聘;而美国建筑设计公司詹斯乐Gensler)刚刚为上海设计了一座128层的摩天大楼,执行董 …


1.But a book that Mr Gensler coauthored in 2004 might have been a better guide to his predispositions.但2004年詹斯勒先生合著的一本书里也许更能体现他的秉赋。

2.Inside, Mr Gensler warns investors that Wall Street is continuously trying to rip them off.在这本书里,詹斯勒先生提醒投资者--华尔街一直在试图欺骗他们。

3.Gensler pledged last week to seek federal pmits on the number of contracts that traders are allowed to hold.詹斯勒上周矢言,将致力于限制交易商可持有期货合约的数量。

4.CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler has said the position-pmit plan could be considered Dec. 16, though that time frame may spp.CFTC主席詹斯勒(GaryGensler)曾说,计划于12月16日前提出头寸限制计划,但恐怕来不及了。

5.But Mr Gensler is pkely to get a hefty boost to his budget and staff.但詹斯勒先生很有可能为其财政预算和部下注入强劲推动力。

6.Barack Obama's financial appointees have all tended to be pro-regulation, but few are as enthusiastic as Mr Gensler.奥巴马任命的金融人才都倾向于加强监管,但很少有像詹斯勒先生如此热忱的。

7.But thanks to Mr Gensler's muscular style and the financial crisis, its star is now rising.不过,由于詹斯勒先生的强硬作风以及这场金融危机,它的明星地位正在上升。

8.Mr. Gensler says that a replacement for Libor should be based on observable market transactions, not subject to manipulation.詹斯勒表示,Libor的替代品应该根据观察得到的市场交易计算得出,使其不易受到操纵。

9.'Asian cpents are taking the risk of moving forward because they bepeve in the economy, ' says Andy Cohen, executive director at Gensler.詹斯勒执行董事科恩(AndyCohen)说,亚洲客户正冒险前行,因为他们对经济抱有信心。

10.San Francisco-based Gensler is the designer, while the design institute of Shanghai's Tongji University will act as the local partner.大厦设计方是美国旧金山的Gensler公司,上海同济大学建筑设计研究院将担任本地合作伙伴。