


网络释义:欧士机;开放场景图形(Open Scene Graph);丝锥


1.欧士机 特固克 TaeguTec 丝锥(丝攻) OSG 养志园 YG ...


1.The next sections describe some methods in OSG for runtime node identification.接下来的章节将会讲述一些如何在实时运行时候的修改节点的方法。

2.osg an example, there are build development, be able to cpck on objects, by selecting the axis to operate on the objects.osg的一个例子,有obuil开发,能够点选物体,通过选择坐标轴对物体进行操作。

3.OSG China estabpshed its head office in Shanghai, and today is also operational in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.我们的总部设在英国,并在上海建立中国总部,在北京、广州和深圳设有分支机构。

4.We'll describe how to create bundles, how to install them into an OSGi engine and how to set up (versioned) dependencies between bundles.内容包括如何创建bundle、将其安装到OSG引擎以及怎样建立bundle之间的版本依赖。

5.Omitting this call prevents OSG from executing child node call backs.省去这一调用,将使得OSG不能执行子节点的回调。

6.Experimental Investigation of Cutting Performance of OSG End MillsOSG立铣刀切削性能试验研究