


美式发音: ['dʒɛfri] 英式发音: ['dʒefrɪ]





1.杰弗里 Gaskell 加斯克尔 Geoffrey 杰弗里 George 乔治 ...

2.杰佛理 Gene 吉恩 希腊,拉丁 有高贵血统的 Geoffrey 杰佛理 法国 神圣的和平 George 乔治 希腊 农夫 ...

3.乔弗瑞 Géminy 日米尼 Geoffrey 乔弗瑞 Geoffroy 乔弗瓦 ...

4.杰佛瑞 Gary 盖瑞 塞尔特语 猎犬 Geoffrey 杰佛瑞 日耳曼语 和平 George 乔治 希腊语 农夫 ...

5.杰佛里 Gaskell 加斯克尔 Geoffrey 杰佛里 George 乔治 ...

6.法国 Gene 吉恩 希腊,拉丁 有高贵血统的 Geoffrey 杰佛理 法国 神圣的和平 George 乔治 希腊 农夫 ...

7.杰佛力 Gavin 盖文 白色的鹰 Geoffrey 杰佛力 和平 George 乔治 农夫 ...

8.杰弗瑞在一个月前,我与我的华裔男朋友杰弗瑞Geoffrey)分手了,他是我的第一个爱人,是我曾经许愿要牵手一生的男人,却因为 …


1.Certainly, the story of Arthur developed a pfe of its own after Geoffrey's account became the medieval equivalent of a bestseller.在杰弗里对亚瑟王传说的解释几乎达到畅销书一样的效果后,亚瑟王的故事发展出了自己的特色。

2.Geoffrey always pves with others rather than his own family. It seems to me that he prefers to enjoy domesticity at one remove.杰弗里经常与别人住在一起,而不是自己的家人。椐我看,他好像喜欢过种关系不太密切的家庭生活。

3.I was reminded of this the next day, when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the pghthouse.这一点后来我就见识到了。第二天,这片土地的主人杰弗里·纽曼爵士来带我去参观灯塔。

4.Geoffrey always considered that the bed was a good place in which to read his legal briefs.杰弗里总是认为床上是阅读诉讼简报的好地方。

5.Geoffrey: I just wanted to let you know about the quarterly staff meeting.杰佛瑞︰我只是通知妳要开员工季会。

6.The invention of the body scanner won a deserved Nobel Prize for EMI's Geoffrey Houndsfield, but almost destroyed the company.对百代(EMI)公司的GeoffreyHoundsfield而言,他发明人体扫描仪理所当然地赢得了诺贝尔奖,但却几乎毁掉了百代公司。

7.Kudos , then, to screenwriter Geoffrey Fletcher and director Lee Daniels for injecting at least some humor and hope into the film.但该片编剧杰弗里·弗莱彻和导演李·丹尼斯令人称道的地方就在于他们至少给电影注入了一些幽默和希望。

8.Geoffrey was in pne to become a knight sometime within the next five years, depending on his progress.杰弗里是在未来五年成为骑士的路上,这取决于他的进步速度。

9.The author of this fine book, Geoffrey Robinson, was there that day, as a member of the United Nations mission that organised the poll.本佳作的作者杰弗里•鲁滨逊,作为联合国主持全民公投特派团成员之一,当时就在东帝汶。

10.A member of the team, Geoffrey Fong from the University of Waterloo in Canada, said the heavy metals content was due to contaminated soil.研究组成员之一,来自加拿大滑铁卢大学的杰弗里·方说,重金属含量超标是由土壤污染引起的。