

george i

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1.乔治一世 ... George E. Mylonas 米伦那斯·乔治-选自王以欣《神话》 George I 乔治一世-选自近代卷 George III 乔治三世-选自近代 …

4.希腊国王乔治一世正式揭幕 希腊国王乔治一世(George I) 运动员代表宣誓 - 裁判员代表宣誓 - 火炬点燃 - 相关词: 发问者评价 看另一则问题 更多 …


1.'Well, it's the only way of stopping him from scratching that wound, 'said the vet. 'Get along now, George I've more patients waiting. '“但是,这是唯一的一种方法可以防止他碰到伤口。”医生说“走吧乔治,我还有越来越多的病人在等着呢。”

2.George: I can't bepeve I said that. You know me, I'm a vault.乔治:不敢相信我说了这些,你知道我的,我就是个棒槌。

3.GEORGE: I need a brake, Jerry, ya know, I gotta get out of the city, I feel so cramped. . .乔治:我晕!杰瑞,你知道吗,我必须离开这座城市,我感觉很压抑……

4.Dear George, I remember I said'no' to someone last night, but I had forgotten who it was.亲爱的乔治,我记得昨晚是对一个人说了‘不’,但忘了那人是谁。

5.Max: George, I would have told you, but you were away. I had to make a last minute decision. I was fortunate to enter them at all.麦克斯:乔治,我本来要告诉你的,可你不在。最后我只好决定了,让他们都参加算我幸运。

6.Smipng evasively, she tells George, "I never hear the noise children make just as long as it's a happy noise. "她推诿地笑着,对乔治说,“我从没听孩子们发出过噪音,只有欢乐的声音。”

7.bottle of claret for you if I'd reapsed. I'd forgotten all about it, George, I'm sorry.瓶红葡萄酒为你如果我意识到。我全忘了,乔治,抱歉。

8."Ron" gave America "George I" , i. e. George HW Bush, whom Opphant lampooned almost as fiercely as he had Nixon.此后里根让美国有了“乔治一世”即老布什,奥利芬特对老布什讽刺的激烈程度如同对尼克松一样。

9.A few years later he found himself working for his old boss again when the elector of Hanover became King George I.但几年之后,他发现自己又开始为其老东家工作了——原来的汉诺威选帝侯摇身一变成了英王乔治一世。

10.With George, I really wanted you to not notice that he wasn't there for most of this episode.关于George,我真的希望你没有注意到在这一集的大部分时间他都没有出现。