


网络释义:管理(Web-Based Management);西文生物医学文献数据库


1.管理(Web-Based Management)管理模式概述 摘要 本文考察了新的网络管理模式——WBM(Web-Based Management)技术的它的主 要特点,并且讲述了实现 …

2.西文生物医学文献数据库涵盖中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)的基础上,新增西文生物医学文献数据库WBM)、日文生物医学文献数据库、俄文 …


1.When you use WBM to model a process and you want to transform the process into a BPEL process, consider the granularity of each task.使用WBM建模流程且希望将该流程转换为BPEL流程时,请仔细考虑每个任务的粒度。

2.You can include all the unavailable element types psted above into your process as long as you are in the WBM Basic mode.只要采用WBMBasic模式,可以将上面列出的所有不可用的元素类型包括到流程中。

3.Browse to the project interchange exported from WBM, to be compared with the current version of the WID module.浏览到从WBM导出的项目交换文件,与当前版本的WID模块相比较。

4.If the changes to the BPEL do not significantly change the flow of the model in WBM, it is best to make the changes directly in WID.如果对BPEL的更改并不会大幅度更改WBM中的模型的流,最好直接在WID中进行更改。

5.Synchronize Changes: The integration developer synchronizes the changes between the current WID module, and the PI imported from WBM.同步更改:集成开发人员在当前WID模块和从WBM导入的PI之间同步更改。

6.For major changes to a business process, the BPEL model should be re-generated from WBM and imported into WID.对于业务流程的重要更改,应该从WBM重新生成BPEL模型并导入到WID中。

7.To transform the processes into BPEL process skeletons, model the business process in the WebSphere Process Server editing mode in WBM.为了将流程转换为BPEL流程框架,请在WBM中使用WebSphereProcessServer编辑模式建模业务流程。

8.Analyzing Changes in WBM: The business analyst analyzes the changes and manually updates the business process model.在WBM中分析更改:业务分析师分析更改并手动更新业务流程模型。

9.This section will illustrate the steps required for synchronizing WID module with the WBM model by exporting the change report.本小节通过导出更改报告展示同步WID模块和WBM模型所需的步骤。

10.Note: For best results, business analysts should identify reusable business tasks, and then create those tasks as Global tasks in WBM.注意:为了获得最好的结果,业务分析人员应该确定可重用业务任务,然后在WBM中将这些任务作为全局任务创建。