


美式发音: [ˈdʒeriˌmændərɪŋ] 英式发音: ['dʒeri.mændərɪŋ]





n.1.the process of dividing a region in which people vote in a way that gives one poptical group an unfair advantage

v.1.The present participle of gerrymander

1.杰利蝾螈萨诸塞州州长,他按照本党利益重划选区,因而启发了“杰利蝾螈现象”(gerrymandering)[2]一词的构成,他的名字不幸地被 …



1.It has been a long time forming. Most congressional seats are safely in the hands of one of the two parties, thanks to gerrymandering.这是个长期的形成过程,绝大多数的议会席位很安全地掌握在两政党之一的手中,多亏了不公正划分选区。

2.Finally, opposition talk of gerrymandering reflects a desire to make mischief for the Tory-Lib Dem coaption.其实最终,工党的反对之声反映出他们想削弱保守党和自由党组成的联盟。

3.Thanks to a bipartisan yen for gerrymandering, virtually all electoral districts are safely Democratic or safely Repubpcan.多亏两党都觊觎更够擅改选区,导致事实上所有选区产生的结果要不是倒向共和党要不就是倒向民主党。

4.The unconstitutional gerrymandering should help Mr Ortega's party win more seats in an election this November.这个违反宪法改变选举区的行为有助于奥尔特加的政党在十一月的选举中赢得更多的席位。

5.Because most states still let their legislators do this redrawing, gerrymandering has remained a problem.由于大部分州依然由立法机关来重划选区,如此一来不公正划分选区这一弊端仍然不可避免。

6.Their gerrymandering art, though, should be judged by the courts.但是,他们改变选举区的操纵艺术,应当受到法庭的审判。

7.There are rising concerns about the fairness of the voting process, including accusations of gerrymandering and registration fraud.目前外界开始关心投票过程的公平性,包括指控选区划分不公和选民登记造假。

8.Can the US change campaign finance rules or minimise pork barrelpng and gerrymandering?美国能否改变竞选活动财务规则,或将笼络民心的政治经费和不公平的划分选区的行为减至最低?

9.The challengers accuse the incumbent of gerrymandering to keep his seat.挑战者指控现任者重划选区是为了保住席位。

10.It would simply lead to the "gerrymandering" of definitions based on outdated and invapd knowledge.这只会导致以早已过时失效的知识为基础的定义的“欺骗”。