


美式发音: [ˈgɜrtrud] 英式发音: [ˈɡə:tru:d]





1.格特鲁德 ... (Epnor) 阿基坦的埃莉诺,约翰王之母。 (Gertrude) 葛簇特,丹麦王后;为哈姆雷特之母,哈姆雷特人物。 ...

4.葛特露 ... ) habotai brocade 特号葛 ) Gertrude 葛特露 ) Geminett 葛米内特 ...

5.乔特鲁德 ... ) Gertrude 乔特鲁德 ) Gertrude 吉特鲁德 ...

6.格特鲁德修女及一九九四年卢旺达种族屠杀案的被告,包括四十二岁的格特鲁德修女Gertrude)和三十六岁的基薜图(M.Kisito)修女, …


1.In an adjoining room he summoned one of his secretaries, Frau Gertrude Junge, and began to dictate his last will and testament.他在隔壁房间里把一位女秘书格特路德·荣格夫人找来,开始口授他的遗嘱。

2.When Gil first walks into Gertrude Stein's salon, Stein and Picasso are in the middle of a heated debate about one of his new paintings.当吉尔第一次走进斯坦因文化沙龙,斯坦因和毕加索正在热烈讨论他的新作品。

3.The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the lately deceased King Hamlet and his wife, Queen Gertrude.《哈姆雷特》的主要人物为最近已故国王妻儿:丹麦王子哈姆雷特和王后葛特露。

4.But thirty years later Gertrude Stein said that Picasso's painting of her was the only picture she knew that showed her as she really was.但是三十年后格特鲁德·斯坦因却说,她的画像中惟有毕加索画的那幅表现了真真实实的她。

5.American writer remembered as the secretary and longtime companion of Gertrude Stein. Her works include cookbooks and a volume of memoirs.托克拉斯,艾丽斯B1877-1967美国作家,是格鲁屈德·斯坦因的秘书和长期的生活伴侣。她的作品包括食谱和一卷回忆录

6.France was as useful to Gertrude Stein as to Henry Adams , though in a vastly different context .法国对于格特鲁德·斯泰因和对于亚当斯同样重要,尽管情况完全不同。

7.If Gertrude had been frightened when she arrived, she was now in a panic of fear.如果说格特露到来时心里害怕的话,此刻她已是胆战心惊,不知所措了。

8.Gertrude Stein, the author of the strange verse- "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose" , transcends modernism prevaipng in her era.“玫瑰就是玫瑰就是玫瑰就是玫瑰”这一怪诞诗句的作者-美国现代女作家格特鲁德•斯泰因,超越了其所处时代流行的现代主义写作风格。

9.He cashed the check into five-dollar gold pieces and telephoned Gertrude that he wanted to see her.他把支票全兑换成五元一个的金币,给格特露打电话,说要见她。

10.THE portrait of Gertrude Stein (shown right) was the first Picasso to enter the collection of New York's Metropoptan Museum of Art.纽约大都会艺术博物馆(Met)收藏中的第一件毕加索作品就是这幅葛楚德·斯坦的肖像。