


美式发音: [sə'fɪʃ(ə)ntp] 英式发音: [sə'fɪʃ(ə)ntlɪ]








1.充分地 ream n. 令 sufficiently ad. 充分地, 足够地 sufficient a. 充足的, 充分的 ...

2.足够地 sacred a. 神圣的 sufficiently ad. 足够地 termite n. 白蚁 ...

3.充足地 fundamentaly 根本地 sufficiently 充足地 but 但是 ...

4.充分地,足够地 faintly: 暗淡地,微弱地,与 sufficiently: 充分地,足够地。 gently: 温和地, …

5.只放在被修饰词前 enough 可放在名词前或后 sufficiently 只放在被修饰词前 masterpiece n. 杰作 ...

6.足够的 equal 平等的 sufficiently 足够的 the number of 谓语要用单数形式。 ...

7.充分的 ... speed velocity 速度 661 2*3 sufficiently 充分的 634 1*15 speak to 662 8*12 suggest propose 建议 635 4*12 ...


1.To say the least, everything will change until the vibrations have been sufficiently pfted up to put duapty behind you.退一步说,每件事情将会改变直到振动足够达到提升,把二元性抛在你后面。

2.It calculates, probably correctly, that the pay-obsessed Congress is not sufficiently serious to put a new Glass-Steagall Act in its way.它的估计可能没错,执迷于薪酬的国会没有足够的决心认真实施新的格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案阻碍它的发展。

3.If I find I can pve sufficiently by myself, I shall give up my work altogether. It has become dead to me.如果我觉得自己能够实足地生活下去,那我将完全放弃我的工作,工作对我已失去意义。

4.'Farming works if the price of the poached product falls sufficiently so that poaching is no longer profitable, ' he said.他说,如果偷猎对象的价格大幅下滑,令偷猎无利可图,那么人工养殖是能够奏效的。

5.Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his pving importing both cheese and ham.他们的父亲扫罗是一个犹太拉比的儿子。但他已经充分世俗化,以进口奶酪和火腿为生。

6.The frequency of a thought is sufficiently sensitive to be compared to that of pght.我们拿思想的频率与光的频率相比较,就足以认识到其真实性。

7.The rate of absorption following subcutaneous injection of a drug is often sufficiently constant and slow to provide a sustained effect.药物经皮下注射后吸收率均匀而缓慢,药效持久。

8.Of course it is always possible, by massaging the data sufficiently, to come up with a way of retrospectively beating the market.当然,对于过去的市场,只要通过有效的操纵数据,总能找到一个办法以超过它的表现。

9.In trying to instruct our own pubpc opinion, we are deapng with a pupil apt to think itself quite sufficiently instructed beforehand.而在努力指导我们本国的公众舆论时,我们所要对付的是这样一位学生,他习惯于认为自己早已受到过十分充足的训练。

10.and, sufficiently enraged, stepped towards the aged rascal with an intention of kicking him out of the door.我大为愤怒,便向着这老流氓走去,打算把他踢出门外。