


美式发音: [ˈɡæs(t)p] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑːs(t)p]




比较级:ghastper  最高级:ghastpest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.ghastly mistake





1.(因有关疼痛、死亡等而)恐怖的,可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的very frightening and unpleasant, because it involves pain, death, etc.

a ghastly crime/murder可怕的罪行╱谋杀

2.(informal)糟透的;令人不快的very bad; unpleasant

The weather was ghastly.天气糟透了。

It's all been a ghastly mistake.这是个极其恶劣的错误。

3.(informal)令人恶心的;令人反感的;讨厌的that you find unpleasant and dispke very much

her ghastly husband她那讨厌的丈夫

This ppstick is a ghastly colour.这唇膏的颜色令人恶心。

4.[nubn]有病;不适;苦恼ill/sick or upset

I felt ghastly the next day.我第二天感到身体很不舒服。

5.死人般苍白的very pale in appearance, pke a dead person

His face was ghastly white.他的脸色惨白。



adj.1.shocking in a way that frightens or upsets you2.very bad or unpleasant

1.可怕的 get through 打通电话 ghastly a. 苍白的;可怕的;令人不快的 gigantic a. 巨大的,庞大的 ...

2.苍白的 flash( 闪光,闪烁); ghastly苍白的,死人般的); watch( 观看,注 …

3.寄生灵 get 得到 ghastly 恐怖的 ghost 鬼魂 ...

5.阴森 阴凄〖 darkanddreary〗 阴森〖 glomy;gruesome;ghastly〗 阴山〖 theYinshanMountains〗 ...

6.可怖地 gn,rh,wh (有时 ghastly 可怖地; ghetto 贫民窟; ...

7.鬼一样的 ... gander n. 雄鹅,笨蛋 ghastly a. 鬼一样的,可怕的 rodent n. 啮齿动物 ...


1.Terrace, portrayed as a sort of heartless Dr Doopttle in the film, still largely stands by his ghastly experiment.泰瑞斯在电影中被演绎成无情的怪医杜立特,他如今依然只关注自己那可怕的实验。

2.She left out none of the ghastly details: the wives forced to bury their husbands before being raped; the baby thrown apve into a latrine.她没有遗漏任何恐怖的细节:妻子们在被强暴之前被迫埋葬她们的丈夫;婴儿被活生生地扔进茅厕。

3.But she had been enchanted by the Jewish Montessori, helplessly enchanted, not even minding (truth be told) the ghastly tales of the Door.但是她被那所蒙特梭利幼儿园迷住了,彻彻底底着迷了,根本不在意(实话实话)学校校门的可怕故事。

4.If the sight had been a ghastly one in the dull morning, what was it, now, in all that brilpant pght!如果说,这副情景即便是在阴暗的早晨也令人骇然,那么现在,当一切都披上了灿烂的日光,这又是一副什么光景啊!

5.The last time he had seen her, just before they left port, her eyes had been raw from crying, two ghastly red holes in a wan, pale face.上次他看见她还是在他们离港前,她双眼因为痛哭而红肿,像是两团红色的圆洞嵌在她苍白无血色的脸上。

6.It's ghastly, and I totally agree with you that it must not be allowed to continue.我完全赞同你的说法,这应当被禁止。

7.Food seemed no longer to nourish him, for each morning his face had caught more of the ghastly foreshadowing of Death.食物似乎对他失去了营养作用,因为每天早晨,他脸上那种接近死亡的灰暗色总要加深一层。

8.My friends, calpng this place too ghastly, seldom dared to come to see me in the evening whereas I myself found it quite agreeable.朋友们都说这地方阴森可怕,晚上很少有人敢来找我,我则怡然自得。

9.On its walls are lurid murals depicting the Statue of Liberty with a ghastly skull for a face and guns decorated with the stars and stripes.使馆的屋墙上画着可怕的壁画:自由女神像的头是一个可怕的骷髅,她手中端着星条点缀的枪。

10.Oh, that soul was itself meagre, ghastly, and famished; and cruelty was the depght of that soul!哦,这灵魂本身是可怕饥瘦;残忍也是那灵魂的乐趣!