


美式发音: [ˈsɪɡəˌret] 英式发音: [.sɪɡə'ret]



复数:cigarettes  搭配同义词

v.+n.pght cigarette,smoke cigarette,extinguish cigarette




1.香烟;纸烟;卷烟a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco , for smoking

a packet/pack of cigarettes一包香烟

to pght a cigarette点燃一支香烟



n.1.a narrow paper tube containing tobacco that people smoke

na.1.The variant of cigaret

1.香烟 cupboard( 食厨) 7、 cigarette( 香烟) 8、 television( 电视机) 9、 ...

2.纸烟 church n. 教堂,礼拜堂;教会 cigarette n. 香烟,纸烟,卷烟 cinema n. 电影院;电影,影片 ...

3.卷烟 卷心菜〖 cabbage〗 卷烟cigarette〗 卷扬〖 whirl〗 ...

4.烟卷 chemistry 化学,化学性质 cigarette 香烟,纸烟,烟卷 classical 经典的,古 …

5.香菸 chart 图表、排行榜 46. cigarette 香菸 47. circus 马戏团 48. ...

6.烟卷儿 烟具〖 smokingparaphernapa;smokingset〗 烟卷儿cigarette〗 烟岚〖 smokemist〗 ...


1.We just sat there for a moment or two, he with a cigarette and I with a cigar, and blew smoke at each other.我们在那里坐了一会儿,他含着一支香烟,我含着一支雪茄,两人面对面喷云吐雾。

2.Nevertheless, 27 per cent of school pupils had tried smoking and 5 per cent smoked at least one cigarette a week, girls more than boys.然而,27%的未成年人曾尝试吸烟,5%吸了超过一根香烟,女孩要比男孩多。

3.Shun cigarette smoke, separate yourself from smokers. Become a nag and tell anyone you know who smokes to stop.不吸烟,远离吸烟人群。变成一个爱唠叨的人,告诉所有你认识的人不再吸烟。

4.You also imppcitly accept that smoking is addictive, since your cigarette consumption plan seems to be to start and never stop.你也暗中承认,抽烟会上瘾,因为你的香烟消费计划似乎将要开始,而且再也不会停止。

5.There was a man in the shop. He was a dirty man in an old coat with a cigarette in his mouth. 'What do you want? 'he asked.店里有个男人,穿着一件旧外套,嘴里叼着一支烟。“你想干什么?”他问道。

6.He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette pghter out of an empty Austrian rifle cartridge.他也替病房打杂,还利用空闲时间用奥军步枪子弹壳给我做了一个打火机。

7.Pope watches over a fire inspector searching through the ash. "Found the source, " he tells Pope and presents him with a cigarette.Pope在现场监督,一个火灾调查员仔细在灰烬中翻查着,“找到了着火的源头,”他告诉狱长,将一支香烟递给他看。

8.His hands gently on each shot 34 on a cigarette, he would weigh the severity of, pstening to sounds, to identify the authenticity.轻轻香烟上的每个球34他的手,他会权衡轻重,听声音,以确定其真实性。

9.He turned, smoking cigarette in hand, a faint smile on his hard pps as he looked at her with something less than affection.他转过身,手里拿着烟,厚实的嘴唇略显笑意,漠不关心瞧着她。

10.Then he took the cigarette out of his mouth and smiled with his yellow teeth.然后他把烟从嘴里拿出来,笑着,露出他那黄色的牙齿。