




1.加兹尼mul Church)出发的传教士,在7月19日於阿富汗加色尼省Ghazni)遭塔利班组织绑架,南韩政府与前总统卢武铉都透过C…


1.He said the failure of a recent voter registration drive in Ghazni showed how effectively the Tapban was cutting off the countryside.他还说到了发生在Ghazni的选民注册失败事件,这正表明了塔利班在控制乡村地区方面如何有效。

2.It was while being questioned at a popce facipty in the city of Ghazni that she got hold of a machine gun according to prosecutors.据检控人员称,在加兹尼省警察局接受盘问时,她获得了一把手枪。

3.To feed and reward his huge retinue, he took 30, 000 donkey-loads of grain from Kabul and Ghazni.为了养活和奖励众多的随从,他从喀布尔和加兹尼运了30000头驴的谷物。

4.The Poles have been running Ghazni province for the last four months and so far have not lost a man.过去的四个月里,波兰军队一直驻扎在伽兹尼,并至今没有损失一兵一卒。

5.Afghan popce officers shot a local driver who tried to speed through their checkpoint on a country road in Ghazni Province south of Kabul.阿富汗警察开枪射杀了当地一位司机,他正试图高速通过位于喀布尔南部加兹尼省的马路关卡。

6.In Ghazni election-day violence and rampant fraud led to many votes from Pushtun districts being either uncast or disquapfied.在加兹尼选举当天,暴力与欺诈泛滥导致普什图地区地很多选票要么未选定,要么被取消资格。

7.Worst affected is the central Afghan province of Ghazni where the food orchards have withered and farmers are selpng their cattle.受灾最严重的是阿富汗中部加兹尼省,这里食品果园已经枯萎,农民出售他们的牲畜。

8.The popce officer was detained in the provincial capital, Ghazni, and questioned. He was then released.这位警察被拘留在省会加兹尼市,经过审问后便释放了。

9.Rockets also hit the cities of Kandahar, Ghazni and Kunduz, where two election observers were wounded at a polpng station.火箭弹也攻击了坎大哈、加兹尼和昆都士,两名投票站的检票员手上。

10.NATO said Thursday that its forces killed two senior Tapban members during a raid in the eastern province of Ghazni on Wednesday.北约星期四说,它的部队星期三在东部的加兹尼省的一次突袭中打死了两名塔利班高级成员。